Book 1

"Beautifully drawn, great facial expressions, great humor and mystery and fun, all the things you want an adventure fantasy comic to be!" ―Kate Beaton

The life of Henrietta Achilles is about to change. After years of living as an orphan, she receives a summons to the strange town of...

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Book 2

Henrietta Achilles, the heir of a legendary wizard, has a serious plumbing problem.

When flooding from the wizard's house threatens to destroy everything around it, Henrietta must rally a group of unlikely allies to stop the deluge. Alongside Captain Booner's soldiers and Nate Flemming's motley bandits, Henrietta travels into...

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Book 3

The adventures of Henrietta Achilles continue...

After saving her inherited home from a supernatural flood, Henrietta Achilles is settling in for the winter. Her allies, thieves and soldiers alike, have packed up and said farewell. But a new threat is coming into view.

Stone statues are marching toward the...

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Book 4

The Lost Daughter

by Haiko Hoernig

Published 17 May 2022

Henrietta Achilles is making her last stand.

As mysterious stone warriors invade Henrietta's inherited home, she'll use the last traces of the house's magic to protect the friends around her. But even if she survives the battle, nothing can prepare her for the shocking returns of two figures from...

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