Follow a knowledge-led approach to British history from the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons to the Battle of Bosworth. Perfect for Year 7, embracing the latest KS3 history curriculum, and laying the groundwork for the new history GCSE.

Provide a coherent, chronological history course at KS3, which gives all pupils...

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Follow a knowledge-led approach to British history from Henry VIII to Georgian life. Perfect for Year 8, embracing the latest KS3 history curriculum, and laying the groundwork for the new history GCSE.

Provide a coherent, chronological history course at KS3, which gives all pupils the knowledge to think critically...

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KS3 History The Victorian Empire

by Robert Peal

Published 8 February 2017

Ready-made high quality KS3 history lessons on the Victorian Empire – topic booklet perfect for a half term’s work.

Give every student access to high quality KS3 History textbook content with this topic booklet on Imperial Britain.

Chapter 1: Queen Victoria
Chapter 2: Indian Rebellion
Chapter 3: Ireland and Home Rule

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KS3 History Medieval Kingship

by Robert Peal

Published 6 September 2016

Ready-made high quality KS3 history lessons on Medieval kings – topic booklet perfect for a half term’s work.

Give every student access to high quality KS3 History textbook content with this topic booklet on Medieval kings.

Chapter 1: Henry II (1154-1189)
Chapter 2: King John (1199-1216)
Chapter 3: Edward I (1272-1307)

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KS3 History The Age of Reform

by Robert Peal

Published 8 February 2017

Ready-made high quality KS3 history lessons on social and political change in Britain – topic booklet perfect for a half term’s work.

Give every student access to high quality KS3 History textbook content with this topic booklet on social and political change.

Chapter 1: Urbanisation
Chapter 2: Factory life
Chapter 3:...

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KS3 History Norman England

by Robert Peal

Published 6 September 2016

Ready-made high quality KS3 history lessons on the Norman Conquest – topic booklet perfect for a half term’s work.

Give every student access to high quality KS3 History textbook content with this topic booklet on the Norman Conquest.

Chapter 1: Saxon, Norman or Viking?
Chapter 2: The Battle of Hastings

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Ready-made high quality KS3 history lessons on Oliver Cromwell and Restoration – topic booklet perfect for a half term’s work.

Give every student access to high quality KS3 History textbook content with this topic booklet on Cromwell and the Restoration.

Chapter 1: Cromwell’s Commonwealth
Chapter 2: The Restoration
Chapter 3: Restoration...

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KS3 History Anglo-Saxon England

by Robert Peal

Published 6 September 2016

Ready-made high quality KS3 history lessons on Anglo-Saxon England – topic booklet perfect for a half term’s work.

Give every student access to high quality KS3 History textbook content with this topic booklet on Anglo-Saxon England.

Chapter 1: The Anglo Saxons
Chapter 2: Anglo-Saxon Rule
Chapter 3: The Vikings
Chapter 4: Alfred...

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KS3 History Medieval Life

by Robert Peal

Published 6 September 2016

Ready-made high quality KS3 history lessons on Medieval life – topic booklet perfect for a half term’s work.

Give every student access to high quality KS3 History textbook content with this topic booklet on Medieval life.

Chapter 1: The Medieval Village
Chapter 2: The Medieval Castle
Chapter 3: The Medieval Knight

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KS3 History The British Empire

by Robert Peal

Published 8 February 2017

Ready-made high quality KS3 history lessons on the British Empire – topic booklet perfect for a half term’s work.

Give every student access to high quality KS3 History textbook content with this topic booklet on the making of the British Empire.

Chapter 1: America
Chapter 2: India
Chapter 3: Australia
Chapter 4:...

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Follow a knowledge-led approach to British history from the Seven Years War to Queen Victoria’s Imperial Britain. Perfect for Year 9, embracing the latest KS3 history curriculum, and laying the groundwork for the new history GCSE.

Provide a coherent, chronological history course at KS3, which gives all pupils the...

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KS3 History The Later Tudors

by Robert Peal

Published 6 September 2016

Ready-made high quality KS3 history lessons on the Tudors – topic booklet perfect for a half term’s work.

Give every student access to high quality KS3 History textbook content with this topic booklet on the Tudors.

Chapter 1: Mary I’s Counter-reformation
Chapter 2: Elizabeth I
Chapter 3: The Elizabethan Golden Age

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Ready-made high quality KS3 history lessons on the Industrial Revolution – topic booklet perfect for a half term’s work.

Give every student access to high quality KS3 History textbook content with this topic booklet on the Industrial Revolution.

Chapter 1: The steam engine
Chapter 2: Cotton textiles
Chapter 3: Iron and...

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Ready-made high quality KS3 history lessons on Henry VIII – topic booklet perfect for a half term’s work.

Give every student access to high quality KS3 History textbook content with this topic booklet on Henry VIII.

Chapter 1: The young Henvry VIII
Chapter 2: The Reformation
Chapter 3: Henry’s ‘Great Matter’

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KS3 History The Crusades

by Robert Peal

Published 6 September 2016

Ready-made high quality KS3 history lessons on the Crusades – topic booklet perfect for a half term’s work.

Give every student access to high quality KS3 History textbook content with this topic booklet on the Crusades.

Chapter 1: The Islamic World
Chapter 2: The First Crusade
Chapter 3: Crusader States
Chapter 4:...

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KS3 History Georgian Britain

by Robert Peal

Published 6 September 2016

Ready-made high quality KS3 history lessons on Georgian Britain – topic booklet perfect for a half term’s work.

Give every student access to high quality KS3 History textbook content with this topic booklet on Georgian Britain.

Chapter 1: Creation of Great Britain
Chapter 2: Parliamentary Government
Chapter 3: Jacobite Uprisings
Chapter 4:...

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KS3 History The English Civil War

by Robert Peal

Published 6 September 2016

Ready-made high quality KS3 history lessons on the English Civil War – topic booklet perfect for a half term’s work.

Give every student access to high quality KS3 History textbook content with this topic booklet on the English Civil War.

Chapter 1: James I and the Gunpowder Plot
Chapter 2:...

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Ready-made high quality KS3 history lessons on the French Revolution – topic booklet perfect for a half term’s work.

Give every student access to high quality KS3 History textbook content with this topic booklet on the French Revolution.

Chapter 1: The Ancien Regime
Chapter 2: Execution and terror
Chapter 3: The...

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KS3 History Late Medieval England

by Robert Peal

Published 6 September 2016

Ready-made high quality KS3 history lessons on the late Medieval period – topic booklet perfect for a half term’s work.

Give every student access to high quality KS3 History textbook content with this topic booklet on late Medieval England.

Chapter 1: The Black Death
Chapter 2: The Peasants’ Revolt
Chapter 3:...

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KS3 History The Age of Discovery

by Robert Peal

Published 6 September 2016

Ready-made high quality KS3 history lessons on the Age of Discovery – topic booklet perfect for a half term’s work.

Give every student access to high quality KS3 History textbook content with this topic booklet on the Age of Discovery.

Chapter 1: The Italian Renaissance
Chapter 2: Gunpowder, print and...

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