Gypsy Girl

by Kathryn James

Published 16 April 2015

A YA romantic thriller

A gripping romantic thriller set in a gypsy community. "It began three days ago with a fight. Seems that for me, everything begins with a fight..." Gypsy Girl Sammy Jo may be strong, fast and tough, even in heels, but she gets into trouble when she fights some local thugs to save rich-boy Gregory. Now bad guy McCloud is after her - and he's even more dangerous than her forbidden love for Gregory…

Revenge (Book Two)

by Kathryn James

Published 3 November 2016

Second book in the Gypsy Girl series.

The follow-up to Kathryn James's Gypsy Girl – a gripping romantic thriller set in a gypsy community. Trouble always seems to find Gypsy Girl Sammy Jo... This time it's bad boy Hudson, and he is out for revenge. After Hudson threatens Sammy Jo's family and her boyfriend, she knows she has to fight back, no matter what the cost. She is willing to do anything to protect her family and the boy she loves. Praise for Gypsy Girl: “A highly original story, with a fantastically determined and unusual heroine – a fierce fighter who revels in both her strength and her beauty.” Teens on Moon Lane