Beat Your Allergies

by Rob Hicks

Published 31 May 2005
"For most people, allergies are incurable, but here are 52 ideas that help sufferers cope and avoid the sneezing, scratching, coughing, wheezing and other symptoms that accompany this annoying and sometimes life-threatening ailment. Whatever is getting under your skin - dust, nuts, mites, pollen - by reading and following the practical advice I offer here you're taking the first giant step to finding relief and feeling more free." Dr Rob Hicks. What it's about? Dr Rob Hicks, a practicing GP and media doctor, spends an increasing amount of his time with patients suffering from a variety of allergy-related ailments. He doesn't promise to be able to cure anyone, but he can help relieve the suffering. And all of his advice is eminently practical, from using honey as a natural cure for hay fever to taking up indoor naturism! Rob's book will enlighten, relieve and even amuse you!
He reveals: How to truly understand allergies (or are they just intolerances); why getting naked may be just what the doctor ordered; why the vacuum should be one of your best friends; the power of oats in the morning; how acupuncture shouldn't be a sticking point; handy herbs and how to use them for relief; the wonderful effects of de-stressing oneself. With the "52 Brilliant Ideas" series readers can enhance their existing skills with negligible investment of time or money and will substantially improve their performance over the course of a year. Each of the 52 chapters tackles a single aspect of the subject in an entertaining and lively way. At the end of each chapter is a "how did it go" feature, which allows readers to reflect on the lesson in a classical experiential learning pattern. The tone of each book is personal and informal; readers will feel as thought they are having a one-to-one with their favourite coach.