This new edition provides Renewed Framework writing activities for
every genre. Now with interactive resources on CD-ROM!
* Inspire even the most reluctant writers with these creative resources.

* Activities to teach your children crafting, drafting and editing,
as recommended in _Grammar for Writing_.
* Get interactive with on-screen writing activities, writing frames
and more.
* Develop their understanding of writing genres using example texts
and invaluable definitions.
* Quick-fire and week-long projects to fit into your day.

The resources in this book and on the accompanying CD-ROM enable children to understand and use the features of news stories, work through planning, writing and editing, create interesting texts, and assess their work and the work of their peers.

Each Scholastic Writing Guide focuses on one type of writing. You'll find titles for three different age groups: Instructions for ages 5-7 include: *The features of instructions *Using imperative verbs *Using diagrams *Writing recipes, games rules and safety instructions

A series of books of ready-made photocopiable activities plus teacher guidance that help teachers to do shared and guided writing with whole class and groups. Each book covers one specific writing type and aims to improve teacher confidence and knowledge aboutshared and guided writing, whilst providing them with the teaching resources they need to improve practice. The activities in ADVENTURE STORIES (9-11 yrs) enable children to*identify characteristic features of adventure story writing *make stories exciting by controlling pace, introducing uncertainty or danger, using cliffhangers *explore point of view and empathy by writing personal responses *create settings using the language of the senses *experiment with word choice and sentence construction to create desired effects.

This new edition provides Renewed Framework writing activities for
every genre. Now with interactive resources on CD-ROM!
* Inspire even the most reluctant writers with these creative resources.

* Activities to teach your children crafting, drafting and editing,
as recommended in _Grammar for Writing_.
* Get interactive with on-screen writing activities, writing frames
and more.
* Develop their understanding of writing genres using example texts
and invaluable definitions.
* Quick-fire and week-long projects to fit into your day.