Book 1

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

Together with the djinn Ugo and his friend Alibaba, Aladdin sets out to find his fortune in the depths of the endless dunes...

Book 2

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

Aladdin and Alibaba have entered the Dungeon of Qishan hoping to find hidden treasure—but danger's found them! A horde of slimes closes in on them, while Lord Jamil and his slaves head into the dungeon looking to intercept Aladdin and grab any riches he may have found! But these rivals have more to worry about than each other, and new friends, new enemies and amazing riches are yet to be discovered!

Book 3

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

Aladdin finds himself among the Kouga tribe, who live deep in the desert far from Qishan. An emissary from the Kou Empire arrives offering peace, but when it turns out to be an offer they can't refuse, things take a turn for the worse. Aladdin learns more about the legend of the Magi and the Rukh, bird-like beings of light, with whom he appears to share a deep connection...

Book 4

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

After many adventures, Aladdin and Morgiana finally reach the great city of Balbadd, only to find it seething with corruption and dissent. There, Aladdin reunites with his friend Alibaba hoping to once again capture a dungeon together. However, Aladdin finds that Alibaba has changed and has become the leader of a band of outlaws...

Book 5

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

Aladdin has found Alibaba at last, but Alibaba has changed and perhaps for the worse. In the city of Balbadd, the Fog Troop, a gang of thieves, struggles against a corrupt government. The leader of the Fog Troop, Cassim, was Alibaba's childhood friend and has pressured him into becoming the figurehead of the gang. Aladdin and Morgiana hope to rescue him with the help of King Sinbad, but powerful forces stand against them, including another Magi...

Book 6

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

The furious battle between Ugo and Judar ends with the sudden appearance of Ren Kogyoku, Eighth Princess of the Kou Empire. The strange creatures she unleashes only drive home the point that Balbadd is surrounded by powerful enemies and further weakened by treachery from within. Sinbad has a plan to save Balbadd that will require strength and courage from everyone, particularly Alibaba, but no one doubts Alibaba more than himself...

Book 7

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

Balbadd is in the throes of upheaval as Alibaba and the Fog Troop confront the corrupt ruler, Ahbmad. With agents of the Kou Empire waiting to pounce, Alibaba, Aladdin and Sinbad form an alliance to take on the powerful enemies arrayed against them. With Alibaba’s newfound Djinn Equip ability and the Sword of Amon, he has the strength, but does he have the will? And will an old friend become his worst enemy?

Book 8

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

Aladdin is still in a deep sleep and out of the fight, and Alibaba’s old friend Cassim has fallen to evil, transformed into a Dark Djinn that threatens everyone in Balbadd. The battle rages, and even Sinbad struggles to hold his ground as he fights alongside Alibaba against Cassim and Judar. And on the sidelines, more enemies wait for their chance to pounce. The forces of darkness now seem to have the upper hand...

Book 9

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

With peace restored in Balbadd, Aladdin and his friends have begun training in Sindria, the land of King Sinbad. With the rise of Al-Thamen, an organization dedicated to spreading evil around the world, there is much to do. While Alibaba works to repair the Sword of Amon, visitors from the Kou Empire arrive with an interesting proposal. Then King Sinbad assigns a weighty task—they must enter Dungeon No.61: Zagan...

Book 10

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

Sent to explore the dungeon known as Zagan, Aladdin and his friends have arrived on Tran Island. The mysterious Tran people are reluctant to help Aladdin defeat the dungeon, and it’s no wonder why—the ancient labyrinth seems to have a mind of its own! Overcoming Zagan will bring Aladdin face-to-face with old adversaries and some powerful and dangerous new foes.

Book 11

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

The sinister organization Al-Thamen seeks the wisdom of Solomon, and they don’t care who they have to go through to get it! Deep within the dungeon, faced with opponents capable of using powerful magic, and with their friends the Tran under attack by Al-Thamen as well, Aladdin and Alibaba must use all their skill and strength to stay alive. 

Book 12

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

When the Al-Thamen organization threatens Sindria, Sinbad and his retainers, the Eight Generals, move to repel them. The battle lines form in a struggle that may engulf the world as a great mystery starts to become clear. How many Magi are there? How many of them can the world hold at one time, and what will happen when the natural balance is upset? Aladdin’s quest for knowledge may hold the answers.

Book 13

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

Aladdin, Morgiana, Hakuryu and Kogyoku each leave Sindria on their own quests. For the first leg of their journey, they will all be aboard the same ship, and Alibaba can’t resist stowing away on it too. The high seas are dangerous though, and an encounter with pirates will lead them on a journey they never expected to take…

Book 14

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

Aladdin and his friends face the powerful and diabolical pirate queen Madaura, who uses a powerful magical item called the Holy Mother Halo Fan to enrapture her captives and make them her slaves. A fierce battle looms, and if Aladdin cannot release his companions from Madaura’s grip, he may find himself fighting against them!

Book 15

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

Alibaba arrives in the Leam Empire and begins training under the renowned warrior Shambal Ramal. Learning to perfect his Djinn Equip means mastering two mis-matched types of magoi within him, and the training won’t be easy. Elsewhere, Morgiana continues her long journey home, and in the far-off Kou Empire, a succession crisis is brewing that could have dire consequences for everyone! 

Book 16

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

Aladdin’s studies at the Magnoshutatt Academy are going well, and he continues to advance. Among the upper-ranked students is another young sorcerer whose power seems to rival Aladdin’s. The two become friends and continue their climb up Magnoshutatt’s caste system. But the dark secret they discover among the downtrodden people of the city takes them into even more danger…

Book 17

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

Aladdin continues his training in Magnoshutatt, but the situation there is difficult. Magomett’s goal is the creation of a country of magicians free of interference from normal humans. Aladdin and his friend Titus are against this, but there is little they can do. When war breaks out between Magnoshutatt and Leam, Aladdin and Titus must choose a side to fight on, and the choice won’t be an easy one.

Book 18

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

The army of Leam reaches the gates of Magnoshutatt, and the magicians of the city join the battle. Aladdin is among them, fighting to protect his friend Titus, and his skills are crucial to the defense. But what will happen when Aladdin must face the full might of Leam's team of Fanaris warriors?

Book 19

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

Magomett, the leader of Magnoshutatt, learns that the Kou Empire plans to attack while the city is weak from fighting against Leam. In desperation, he uses the Magoi Reactor to create a terrifying blackness in the sky. The very essence of the world is now threatened, and Aladdin must summon his most powerful allies to try to stop it!

Book 20

An epic dungeon-busting adventure inspired by One Thousand and One Nights!

Deep within the desert lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches there for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. 

The battle for Magnoshutatt reaches its devastating climax as the terrible Dark God takes shape and powerful Metal Vessel users from across the world arrive to join the battle. Defeating the Dark God will require Aladdin and Yamraiha to confront Mogamett and uncover his secret. They may also find the sacrifice required for victory too much to bear.