Book 1

Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

As leaders of their prestigious academy’s student council, Kaguya and Miyuki are the elite of the elite! But it’s lonely at the top… Luckily for them, they’ve fallen in love! There’s just one problem—they both have too much pride to admit it. And so begins the daily scheming to get the object of their affection to confess their romantic feelings first

Love is a war you win by losing.

Book 2

Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Will a mysterious love letter to Kaguya make Miyuki jealous? Is drinking from a coffee cup with Kaguya’s lipstick on the rim an indirect kiss? How will Miyuki react when Kaguya says she’s “done it” before? Then, Miyuki’s phobia is revealed, the student council VP of Shuchiin Academy’s sister school in France displays epic Gallic rudeness, and the student council tries on some costumes…

Nobody can resist cat ears.

Book 3

Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Will Kaguya and Miyuki share the shelter of an umbrella in a storm? Is carrying a knife dripping with blood proof that Kaguya is trying to kill a member of the student council? How will Kaguya react when Chika introduces her to potty humor? Then, Chika must intervene when Miyuki dispenses bad advice on a topic he knows nothing about, Miyuki tries to develop his kinesthetic intelligence, and Kaguya and her personal assistant play a practical joke on Miyuki that has dire consequences.

Caffeine is required drinking.

Book 4

Kaguya-sama: Love Is War, Vol. 4

by Aka Akasaka

Published 20 September 2018
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Will Kaguya and Miyuki outsmart a psychological test designed to reveal their true feelings? Is spoon-feeding each other cake the way to each other’s hearts? Then, Miyuki visits Kaguya’s home for the first time, but she is too sick to enjoy it. Kaguya tries to befriend Miyuki’s little sister, but Chika has beaten her to the punch. And summer vacation arrives, but the student council still hasn’t agreed on a destination.

Fireworks are supposed to be romantic.

Book 5

Kaguya-sama: Love Is War, Vol. 5

by Aka Akasaka

Published 15 November 2018
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Will Kaguya and Miyuki find a way to see each other sooner rather than later over summer vacation? And is tweeting really an effective way to communicate with your crush? Then, Kaguya’s overprotective staff try to prevent her from going to the fireworks festival with the rest of the student council. Miyuki and Kaguya both try to find a way to enroll in the same elective class. And someone tries to celebrate someone else’s birthday with style!

Some people believe the stars determine your compatibility.

Book 6

Kaguya-sama: Love Is War, Vol. 6

by Aka Akasaka

Published 24 January 2019
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Will Kaguya figure out what Miyuki wants for his birthday plus present him with the perfect cake? Is treasurer Yu flunking out of school and beyond help…or can the one he fears most get him back on track? Then the romantic autumn moon-viewing festival leads to some stellar night moves. The student council plays a role-playing game in which at least one member doesn’t get to play out their fantasy. Ai assumes an alter ego to prove she can get Miyuki to fall in love with her in just one day. And Miyuki’s time as student council president is up!

We play many roles in life.

Book 7

Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Will Miyuki get reelected as student council president? Is newcomer Miko Ino going to be serious competition…or a school laughingstock? Then, Kaguya and Miyuki draw each other in art class (results may vary). Yu wants to do the right thing. Miyuki catches up on sleep, which has an unexpected effect on his attractiveness to women—especially Kaguya. And Kaguya anxiously awaits a certain invitation.

Does underwear make the man?

Book 8

Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Will Miyuki’s hormones keep him loyal to Kaguya or lead him astray? Meanwhile, Miko is interpreting everything she observes in the student council as risqué. Then, a shojo manga makes everyone romance crazy. Somebody actually, finally asks somebody out! And Kaguya and Miyuki accidentally get locked inside a room together…

Lovesick: figure of speech or actual ailment?

Book 9

Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Will Chika agree to train Miyuki one more time to make up for yet another of his surprising deficiencies? Then, Miyuki’s sister and father meddle in his (mostly hypothetical) love life. Rumors that plague Yu have serious personal and academic consequences. The much-anticipated, much-dreaded Sports Festival finally arrives! And Chika dreams up a new game for the student council to play together—with literally explosive results.

Who cares what other people think?

Book 10

Kaguya-sama: Love Is War, Vol. 10

by Aka Akasaka

Published 19 September 2019
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Will Ai prove to Kaguya that she can win Miyuki’s heart after all…while singing karaoke? Then the student council engages in some competitive cooking. Yu tries to spare Miko the embarrassment of the others discovering that she likes to listen to sexy voice actors whisper sweet nothings. And Kaguya declines to participate in a group date involving Miyuki—with a predictable impact on her mental stability.

At some point, you’ve got to upgrade your phone.

Book 11

Kaguya-sama: Love Is War, Vol. 11

by Aka Akasaka

Published 28 November 2019
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Can Miyuki and Kaguya help Yu escape the aggro of all his female classmates, let alone win the favor of the girl he’s crushing on? Then, it’s Miyuki who is teaching Chika a new skill for a change. Kaguya faces the temptations and pitfalls of her new smartphone and social media. Ai takes on yet another secret identity. And the student council’s parents cross paths at school conferences where they must decide what colleges their children will apply to.

When you make plans, the gods laugh.

Book 12

Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Will Miyuki ever admit to his insignificant but seemingly infinite lack of nonacademic talents? And what of the other student council members? Are any of them willing to see themselves objectively? Then it’s time for the school culture festival, which harkens back to a legend of ancient personal sacrifice that inspires the present-day students…symbolically, at least. Plus, a student council arm wrestling competition, balloon animals and a flashback episode to Miyuki’s first awkward weeks as an outsider at Shuchiin High.

Cosplay makes the woman.

Book 13

Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Will Yu make a confession of love? Who would date someone who is both an emo gamer and a former school pariah…? Meanwhile, someone is ready to confess her love to Miyuki—and it’s not Kaguya! Then Miko sabotages a romantic tour of a haunted house, Miyuki reveals some unexpected nonacademic skills, Kaguya accidentally dispenses good advice and a fortune-teller foretells an ominous date for our pride-crossed lovers—no, not that kind of date. Plus, heart-themed key rings, cookies, takoyaki and balloons!

But nobody turns down Stanford.

Book 14

Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Will it be Miyuki or Kaguya who finally breaks down and confesses their love for the other? Will the love confession be terribly bungled or epically orchestrated? And will the recipient respond appropriately, insanely, or in kind? While these questions will have answers, the romantic quandaries of the rest of the members of the student council will raise a whole new set of questions…

Three months is a long time.

Book 15

Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Turns out confessing your feelings is the easy part of a romantic relationship… Now Kaguya and Miyuki have to figure out how to behave in a relationship. Kaguya retreats behind the ice shield she built to protect herself years ago. Miyuki believes only an ideal version of himself is worthy of love. Ai/Haski, as usual, is caught in the middle. Will our two not-star-crossed lovers ever learn to let go and just be themselves…?

First, you have to love yourself.

Book 16

Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Will Kaguya and Miyuki ever go beyond making out and get around to officially going out?! What game is Miko playing when she interferes with Yu and Tsubame’s fledgling intimacy? Meanwhile, Kaguya tries to choose the perfect gift for Miyuki, Yu tries to choose the perfect gift for Tsubame, and Miyuki’s dad goes into the fortune-telling business!

India is the land of spiritual enlightenment.

Book 17

Kaguya-sama: Love Is War, Vol. 17

by Aka Akasaka

Published 12 November 2020
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Will Kaguya tell her family or even her friends that she’s dating Miyuki? Why is Chika pretending to be everyone’s girlfriend while dressed in a bald wig? Hapless Yu gets romantic advice from recently dumped Kazeno, which he passes on to naive Miyuki. Then, semi-repressed Nagisa attempts to school repressed Kaguya. And Kaguya shares (usually sensible) Ai’s theories about men with Maki, who attempts to verify them with flustered Miyuki and Yu. Basically, Shuchiin Academy suffers from a bad case of the blind leading the blind.

You can’t learn about sex from porn.

Book 18

Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Will Ai leave her post as Kaguya’s personal assistant and confidant?! Meanwhile, Kaguya and Yu go to great lengths to prevent their not-so-dark secrets from getting out. A sports tournament provides yet another opportunity for the gang to desperately attempt to impress each other with their athletic prowess—or coaching skills. And then it’s finally time for an educational school trip! Of course all the students view this as just an opportunity to hang out with or spy on the objects of their attraction…

Wet hair is better than a wet T-shirt.

Book 25

Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Will Kaguya’s family force her to marry a man she doesn’t love in order to fulfill their political and financial ambitions? As the reign of Kaguya’s father approaches its end, the war of succession between her brothers heats up. Meanwhile, Ai gets a new assignment as a bodyguard, Yu and Miko get cozy on a couch, and…Miyuki accepts a hefty bribe?!

Family matters.

Book 26

Kaguya-sama: Love Is War, Vol. 26

by Aka Akasaka

Published 14 September 2023
Two high school geniuses scheme to get the other to confess their love first.

Two geniuses. Two brains. Two hearts. One battle. Who will confess their love first…?!

Will Kaguya’s friends be able to rescue her from the clutches of her ruthless family? Miyuki does his best to negotiate with Kaguya’s father for his daughter’s freedom to live and love as she chooses. But Miyuki isn’t the only one vying for Kaguya’s hand… Then, the rest of Kaguya’s friends—Chika, Ai, Yu, Miko, and Maki—use everything at their disposal to find and save her, from blackmail to electronic trackers to…skateboards?

Where there’s a will, there’s a way.