This Exam Preparation Guide contains up-to-date material that matches the new 2016 IB diploma syllabus and offers support for students as they prepare for their IB Diploma Chemistry exams. The book is packed full of Model Answers, Annotated Exemplar Answers, Worked Examples and Hints to help students hone their revision and exam technique and avoid common mistakes. These features have been specifically designed to help students apply their knowledge in exams. This Exam Preparation Guide has been written in an engaging and student friendly tone making it perfect for international learners.

Specially designed for class use and independent study, Cambridge Chemistry for the IB Diploma efficiently presents topics to optimise learning and prepares students with the skills needed to succeed in the examination. Links to Theory of Knowledge themes are included throughout the book. Features include: clearly stated learning objectives at the start of each section; questions throughout each chapter to provoke discussion and test students' understanding; exam-style questions at the end of each chapter; summaries, glossary and index. The accompanying CD-ROM contains seven chapters covering the syllabus options, as well as providing high-quality supplementary materials. These include self-tests, simulations, animations and study guidance.