
by Ruth MacLean

Published 1 January 2001

The New Testament is full of incredible stories which would make front page news in today's papers. Snapshots gives a concise account of a variety of stories and miracles, written in a novelty newspaper format.


News abroad..............Pages 2-10

Local news...............Pages 11-20

Special Feature.........Pages 21-22

Events.............................Page 25

Sport...............................Page 48

Fun cartoons are included throughout and a child will be challenged as the story builds up of who Jesus is, how he fulfilled Old Testament prophecy, and how he is the only way to get right with God.

Jerusalem News

by Ruth MacLean

Published 1 November 2000

Have you ever wondered what it must have been like to be an eye witness of major bible events?

Some people were! What if there had been a newspaper at that time?

Here Ruth Maclean writes the key Old Testament stories as if there had been a newspaper around at those times. Children find this style easy to read and understand. Fun cartoons and illustrations by Neil Stewart make the learning experience even more enjoyable.

The front page story is about Enoch's disappearance, whilst the back page is devoted to Elijah's escape from Ahab. Excellent cartoon illustrations compliment each of the stories.

Sections within the book are also just like a newspapers and include Travel and Tourism, News Abroad, Local News, Got a Problem? and a Special Feature.

Dr. Luke's Casebook

by Ruth MacLean

Published 1 January 1970

See the miracles in Luke's Gospel through the eyes of Dr Luke as he collects stories of the miracle working Messiah.

Joseph's Journals

by Ruth MacLean

Published 1 January 2001

Joseph put his trust in God - whatever fixes he found himself in.

Snapshots N.T.

by Ruth MacLean

Published 1 May 1999

Desert Diary

by Ruth MacLean

Published 1 January 2001

Follow the trials and triumph's of the children of Israel on the way to the promised land as Joshua gives you his first hand account.