Book 4

In Roman London, the dead were buried beyond the limits of the settlement, and from the late 1st to the early 5th century AD an extensive area east of the modern City of London was used as the place of burial for a significant part of the local population....Read more

Book 10

This, the latest in the series of MoLAS monographs on the religious houses of medieval London, considers the London Charterhouse, a Carthusian monastery founded in 1371, just outside the walled city. The volume is primarily intended to report on the 1998 excavations in Preachers Court, part of the Inner...Read more

Book 14

This volume provides the first synthesis of the available prehistoric and topographic information from the area of north Southwark and Lambeth, London, in the period c.9500 cal BA to c.AD 50. The authors consider the interplay between environmental and riverine change and 'mobile' and 'settled' human communities. They draw...Read more

Book 15

The Royal Opera House is located on the north side of Covent Garden London, in the heart of what was the Middle Saxon settlement of Lundenwic. This settlement was flourishing centre for trade and manufacture from the 7th to 9th centuries. Urban redevelopment in 1996 included the largest excavation...Read more

Book 18

The Cistercian monastery of St Mary Stratford Langthorne once stood on land south of the new Jubilee Line station at Stratford. Excavations 1973-94 recorded large parts of the monastic church, cemetery and related buildings. Topics include the precinct arrangement, architecture and decoration, and the way of life of the...Read more

Book 22

The Palace and Abbey of Westminster provide one of the most familiar images in the world. From its beginnings on an island surrounded by the Rivers Thames and Tyburn more than 7000 years ago, the site became the most important centre of English history from the 11th century onwards....Read more

Book 41

Until now the evidence for London's Early and Middle Saxon rural settlement and economy has received scant attention. This monograph provides a long-awaited overview of the subject, drawing on the results of six decades of archaeological fieldwork since the war, in addition to historical and place-name evidence. Some of...Read more

Book 49

An essential survey for all interested in the pottery of the London area, this study charts the development, peak and decline of two ceramic traditions: the shelly wares of c 1140–1220, mainly city-based but reaching Scotland and across the North Sea to Norway, and the greywares of c 1170–1350,...Read more

Book 63


by Robert Cowie, Lyn Blackmore, A Davis, and Jackie Keily

Published 31 October 2012
The development of the major settlement of Lundenwic in the late 7th century AD marked the rebirth of London as a town. In the following century the emporium served as a seaport for the landlocked kingdom of Mercia and played a significant role in the maritime trade of north-west...Read more

A final report on the excavation of the Jubilee Line Extension project which revealed evidence for the Holocene environment of the Thames Valley 10,000 years ago. Excavations uncovered a 12 km stretch of sedimentary deposits which contained a number of rich archaeological sites that illustrated the fluctuating nature of...Read more