Instant Advertising

by Bradley Sugars and Brad Sugars

Published 9 January 2006

From the international go-to guys in small business know-how:

Your source for the strategies, skills and confidence every business owner needs to succeed

Remember what it was like learning how to ride a bicycle? Now imagine how it would've been if you'd tried to do it blindfolded.

Pretty scary, right?

Yet, right now, all over the world, millions of men and women are trying to make a go of running small businesses without a clear picture of where they're going or how to get ahead. No wonder so many small businesses fail in their first year of operation.

Don't become another statistic. Let the Instant Success Series show you how to get up on that Schwinn and ride it to success.

Written by whiz kid entrepreneur and renowned international business coach Bradley Sugars, the Instant Success Series arms hardworking independent business owners like you with all the tools for success. Instant Success books tackle an array of business topics using strategies developed by Sugars and the crack business coaches at Action International, a global network that has helped nearly half a million business owners, worldwide, realize their dreams of success.

Instant Promotions

by Bradley Sugars and Brad Sugars

Published 9 January 2006

Get the good word out about your business!

When it comes to attracting customers, the only differencebetween your company and Sprint, Apple, or Burger Kingis great promotions. But what if you don't have millions forsophisticated PR and advertising campaigns? No problem.A self-made multimillionaire and business expert, Brad Sugarshelps you create compelling press releases, sizzling ads,irresistible in-store promotions, and other promotional toolsthat get customers flocking to you. Discover how to:

  • Identify and reach your target market
  • Use the media to your advantage
  • Attract influential special interest groups
  • Design eye-catching materials that helpyou stand out and get noticed

Get real results right now when you discover all that Instant Success has to offer!

Instant Advertising * Instant Cashflow * Instant Leads * Instant Profit * Instant Referrals * Instant Repeat Business * Instant Sales * Instant Systems * Instant Team Building * The Business Coach * The Real Estate Coach * Successful Franchising * Billionaire in Training

Instant Systems

by Bradley Sugars and Brad Sugars

Published 9 January 2006

Create systems that run every aspect of your business-so you don't have to.

You didn't start your business just to become a slave to it, buthow do you get things done the way you want when you're notthere? Self-made millionaire and entrepreneurial expert Brad Sugarsshows you how. Brad walks you step-by-step through the entireprocess of systemizing your business. Discover how to:

  • Recognize the ways systems can dramatically increaseproductivity and profits
  • Identify the four key areas in your business to systemize
  • Put your systems in place without causing mass panic at work
  • Improve processes at every level of your business andstop wasting time and money

Get real results right now when you discover all that Instant Success has to offer!

Instant Advertising * Instant Cashflow * Instant Leads * Instant Profit * Instant Promotions *Instant Referrals * Instant Repeat Business * Instant Sales * Instant Team Building *The Business Coach * The Real Estate Coach * Successful Franchising * Billionaire in Training

The Real Estate Coach

by Bradley Sugars

Published 16 March 2006
From the international go-to guys in small business know-how:

Your source for the strategies, skills and confidence every business owner needs to succeed.

Remember what it was like learning how to ride a bicycle? Now imagine how it would've been if you'd tried to do it blindfolded.

Pretty scary, right?

Yet, right now, all over the world, millions of men and women are trying to make a go of running small businesses without a clear picture of where they're going or how to get ahead. No wonder so many small businesses fail in their first year of operation.

Written by whiz kid entrepreneur and renowned international business coach Bradley Sugars, the Instant Success Series arms hardworking independent business owners like you with all the tools for success. Instant Success books tackle an array of business topics using strategies developed by Sugars and the crack business coaches at Action International, a global network that has helped nearly half a million business owners, worldwide, realise their dreams of success.

The Business Coach

by Bradley Sugars and Brad Sugars

Published 9 January 2006

Put yourself in the hands of the Business Coach-and run your business like a champion!

Follow along as the Coach demonstrates how to successfully navigate the challenges and recognize the opportunities business owners face every day. The Business Coach uses strategies developed by Sugars and the business coaches at Action International, who have helped nearly a million business owners worldwide realize their dreams.You'll learn:

  • The story of business basics for beginning andexperienced business owners
  • How to pinpoint problem areas, develop winning strategies,and measure your progress
  • The secrets to true financial freedom by buildinga successful company that runs itself

Get real results right now when you discover all that Instant Success has to offer!

Instant Advertising * Instant Cashflow * Instant Leads * Instant Profit * Instant Promotions *Instant Referrals * Instant Repeat Business * Instant Sales * Instant Systems * Instant Team Building *The Business Coach * The Real Estate Coach * Successful Franchising * Billionaire in Training

Successful Franchising

by Bradley J Sugars and Brad Sugars

Published 9 January 2006

Let a franchising guru show you how it's done.

A multimillionaire who built Action International up from ahome-based operation to the 16th fastest growing franchise in theworld in just twelve years, with nearly 1,000 franchises worldwide,Brad Sugars is one of the most successful franchising expertsin the world. With the help of real-life examples, including KFC,Subway, and Howard Johnson's, Sugars arms you with powerfulinformation you can put into action-immediately. You'll discover:

Everything you need to know about buying a franchiseHow to franchise your own businessThe pros and cons of franchising versus licensingInsider tips for selling a franchise

Get real results right now when you discover all that Instant Success has to offer!

Instant Advertising * Instant Cashflow * Instant Leads * Instant Profit * Instant Promotions *Instant Referrals * Instant Repeat Business * Instant Sales * Instant Team Building *The Business Coach * The Real Estate Coach * Successful Franchising * Billionaire in Training

Billionaire In Training

by Bradley Sugars and Brad Sugars

Published 9 January 2006

Eat millionaires for breakfast.

If there's one thing self-made millionaire Brad Sugars knows,it's that getting rich is a lot simpler than most people realize.In Billionaire in Training he puts you on the fast track to wealthcreation through buying, building, and selling businesses-anddoing it at a faster pace than you ever thought possible.Discover how to:

  • Climb the 5 Levels of Entrepreneurs
  • Buy promising businesses, increase their value,and sell them for top dollar
  • Transform your innovative ideas into a successfulbusiness empire
  • Set up businesses that run themselves and provide youwith the capital to expand your investments

Get real results right now when you discover all that Instant Success has to offer!

Instant Advertising * Instant Cashflow * Instant Leads * Instant Profit * Instant Promotions * Instant Referrals * Instant Repeat Business * Instant Sales * Instant Systems * Instant Team Building * The Business Coach * The Real Estate Coach * Successful Franchising

Instant Repeat Business

by Bradley Sugars and Brad Sugars

Published 9 January 2006

Keep your existing customers happy, loyal . . . and buying.

Your promotional campaign worked like a charm and the flowof new customers has been phenomenal. So why are your profitslagging? Maybe because while you were busy chasing after newcustomers you overlooked your old ones. Self-made millionaireand entrepreneurial expert Brad Sugars shows you how tocultivate a big base of loyal customers who buy, buy, and buyagain. Learn how to:

  • Offer exclusive sales that bring your best customersback again and again
  • Delight and win over your customers by continuallyexceeding their expectations
  • Achieve the dream of keeping your customers for life!

Get real results right now when you discover all that Instant Success has to offer!

Instant Advertising * Instant Cashflow * Instant Leads * Instant Profit * Instant Promotions *Instant Referrals * Instant Sales * Instant Systems * Instant Team Building *The Business Coach * The Real Estate Coach * Successful Franchising * Billionaire in Training

Instant Team Building

by Bradley J Sugars and Brad Sugars

Published 9 January 2006

Say good-bye to clock watchers and hello to your dream team!

Self-made multimillionaire and entrepreneurial expert Brad Sugarsexplains all the elements that contribute to a great team, andwalks you through the process of finding and assembling a teamof motivated, compatible employees who will help you take yourbusiness to new heights of productivity, profitability, and fun.Learn how to:

Master the six keys to a winning teamConduct interviews that tell you what you reallyneed to knowCreate an environment that encourages passion,collaboration, and personal initiativePromote communication and idea development betweenteam members

Get real results right now when you discover all that Instant Success has to offer!

Instant Advertising * Instant Cashflow * Instant Leads * Instant Profit * Instant Promotions *Instant Referrals * Instant Repeat Business * Instant Sales * Instant Systems *The Business Coach * The Real Estate Coach * Successful Franchising * Billionaire in Training

Instant Leads

by Bradley Sugars and Brad Sugars

Published 9 January 2006

Start a steady stream of leads flowing into your business.

Trying to grow a business without a steady supply of freshleads is like trying to drive across the country on a single tankof gas. With everything on your plate, who has time to chaseafter new leads?

Don't panic. Self-made millionaire Brad Sugars shows you whygenerating a constant flow of hot leads isn't nearly as complicatedas you might think. Discover how to:

  • Run killer print ads, radio campaigns, and mailings
  • Form strategic alliances with suppliers and local businesses
  • Use promotional offers and guarantees to set yourselfapart from the herd
  • Make sure your plans are cost-effective with abreak even analysis

Get real results right now when you discover all that Instant Success has to offer!

Instant Advertising * Instant Cashflow * Instant Profit * Instant Promotions * Instant Referrals * Instant Repeat Business * Instant Sales * Instant Systems * Instant Team Building * The Business Coach * The Real Estate Coach * Successful Franchising * Billionaire in Training

Instant Profit

by Bradley Sugars and Brad Sugars

Published 9 January 2006

Why settle for less when you can have stellar profits?

Business is brisk and you have a solid core of loyal customers.So why aren't you raking in bigger profits? Sounds like it'stime to see what you could be doing better-and Brad Sugarsis the best there is. A self-made multimillionaire and entrepreneurialexpert, Brad helps you identify ways to improve your businessand boost profits fast using the 4Ms of profit:

  • MANAGEMENT: team training, better recordkeeping,and effective time management
  • MONEY: auditing, budgeting, and pricing
  • MARKETING: up-selling, add-on selling, and using listsof qualified leads
  • MERCHANDISE: increasing the number of big marginitems or services, carrying exclusive product lines, andonly selling fast-moving stock

Get real results right now when you discover all that Instant Success has to offer!

Instant Advertising * Instant Cashflow * Instant Leads * Instant Promotions * Instant Referrals *Instant Repeat Business * Instant Sales * Instant Systems * Instant Team Building *The Business Coach * The Real Estate Coach * Successful Franchising * Billionaire in Training

Instant Sales

by Bradley J Sugars and Brad Sugars

Published 9 January 2006

Unleash the inner salesperson you never knew you had.

From financial advice to hairstyling, fitness training to auto parts,no matter what your product or service, you've got to sell tostay in business. A multimillionaire by age twenty-six, Brad Sugarsdelivers techniques for infusing your business with a powerfulsales ethic and creating super sales success. Learn how to:

Deliver sales quotes that instil prospects with trustProvide the kind of service that keeps customerscoming backMaster the first crucial minute of any sales callSet up a point-of-sale system they can't ignore

Get real results right now when you discover all that Instant Success has to offer!

Instant Advertising * Instant Cashflow * Instant Leads Instant Profit * Instant Promotions *Instant Referrals * Instant Repeat Business * Instant Systems * Instant Team Building *The Business Coach * The Real Estate Coach * Successful Franchising * Billionaire in Training