The Closeness God Poster Set

by Gemma Simmonds

Published 8 December 2000
This set of six posters revolves around the theme of encounter with God. In a mixture of Old and New Testament scenes the theme of the unexpected God is explored. While they fit well into the themes of the Lenten liturgical cycle, the additional themes and scripture references can be used throughout the year, for personal and group reflection of any kind. The booklet offers reflections to help open our eyes and our understanding to the symbolism of each poster. A prayerful meditation based on one of the themes is proposed for each particular painting, the Biblical scene illustrates the human truth it reflects. Suggestions are also offered for related celebration themes and scripture links.

Writing with a reflective and perceptive gaze, Gemma Simmonds has shared depth and richness of insight into Koder's work. She sees symbols and themes in the images that link to Scriptures and opens up a meaningful reflective space for others to consider and be enriched by these powerful images. Drawn from Old and New Testament themes, the book is organised in three sections which include the completely re-edited previously published pamphlets: The Promise, The Invitation and The Closeness of God with a new chapter on the Resurrection.

This set of six posters develops the theme of a call to life. God calls us out of false images of self into the sometimes painful journey towards the truth which sets us free. The posters offer a rich source of reflection for Lent, but they also stand on their own. Accompanied by a booklet with additional themes, reflections and scripture references, so that they can be used throughout the liturgical year, for personal and group reflection.