This is a research-proven, innovative, and fun approach to stress relief and relaxation. These quick games, exercises, and activities provide fast, fun stress relief wherever and whenever it strikes, during the morning commute, in front of the computer, or when dealing with difficult people. To make dealing with stress less stressful - and more fun - "Psychology Today" Editor-in-Chief Robert Epstein has created dozens of games that teach every major stress-management and relaxation technique validated by scientific research. For everyone from deskbound, time pressed office workers to managers in important meetings - even speakers addressing large audiences - this creative collection of stress-relief games: helps alleviate high-pressure situations at home and at work; goes beyond relaxation exercises with stress-fighting life - planning and life-organization activities; can be used by individuals or groups; and, includes 50 activities and techniques - most requiring less than 5 minutes.

Behind these creativity-boosting games is more than 20 years of scientific research by one of the world's leading experts on creativity! Did you know that: Group creativity techniques like brainstorming can actually inhibit creativity? Failure spurs creativity better than success does? Creativity is not an exclusively right-brained activity? For work groups and individuals who do creative work, here is a light-hearted book of games that are based on rigorous creativity research, not just hype.Written by Robert Epstein, Editor-in-Chief of "Psychology Today" magazine and a Harvard-trained psychologist, all the exercises in this collection are based on Dr. Epstein's groundbreaking scientific research on the nature of the creative process. "The Big Book of Creativity Games" includes dozens of fast, simple games that foster and encourage creativity in the workplace and at home. The creativity games help to: produce dramatically innovative work; convince people that they're creative; get a new project off the ground; perk up a meeting; overcome a creative "block"; use failure to spur creativity; make people more inventive; and, much more!

Behind these motivation boosting games - the experience and creativity of one of the world's leading experts on behavior! Did you know that...Disorganization is one of life's major sources of stress - and motivation killers? Anonymity is one of the greatest factors in motivating uninhibited creativity? Will power is poor tool for achieving motivation - skill power is a much more effective approach! For managers, leaders, and individuals seeking to motivate their teams - or themselves - here is a light-hearted book of games that are based on rigorous behavioral research, not just hype.Written by Dr. Robert Epstein, editor-in-chief of "Psychology Today" magazine and a Harvard-trained psychologist, this collection includes dozens of fast, simple games and exercises, as well as two unique tests that you can use to measure your "motivation competencies" and select the games you need the most. The energy-enhancing games help participants to: jump-start personal as well as team motivation; use color to boost mood - and energy; create a motivational environment; fight boredom and burnout; boost performance; overcome failure; stop procrastination; and much more!