Simon & Schuster Crossword Puzzle Books
2 primary works
Book 133
Crossword Puzzle Dictionary / Andrew Swa
by Margaret Petherbridge Farrar and Eugene T Maleska
Book 247
Simon and Schuster Crossword Puzzle Book
by Maleska T Eugene and Eugene T Maleska
Today, more than seventy-five years later, the legendary "Simon & Schuster Crossword Puzzle Book" series maintains its status as the standard-bearer for cruciverbal excellence. Published every two months, the series continues to provide the freshest and most original puzzles on the market. Created by the best contemporary constructors -- and edited by top puzzle master John M. Samson -- these Sunday-sized brain-breakers offer hours of stimulation for solvers of every level.
Can "you" take the challenge? Sharpen your pencils, grit your teeth, and find out!