Hunting Harker

by Greg Mitchell

Published 21 August 2017
When Ollie Harker's wagon fails to arrive at Logjam Creek, his employer, JD Cookson, hires Tom Parry and Durango Finch to find it. It appears that Harker has been killed by hostile Indians, but when a murder in the town is linked to him, Harker's mission is revealed to be something more than a routine freighting operation. The trail leads Parry and Finch to an illegal whiskey-running operation in which Monson, Logjam Creek's saloon owner, is implicated. But getting proof of this is both difficult and dangerous, and the two hunters find themselves in deep peril when they come up against a ruthless gang of moonshiners.

Red Rock Crossing

by Greg Mitchell

Published 31 July 2007
The San Tomas river is in flood and a mixed bunch of travellers are forced to stay in the decaying township of Red Rock Crossing. There is Jesse Grant a once-successful rancher who is fleeing his enemies the Santos brothers. Then, there are Ben and Marty, a pair of Texas Rangers escorting Hamel, a captured outlaw. A hired assassin named Missouri Sam is also waiting to ply his murderous trade and only one man knows his identity. Ben and his girl Jane, who lives at the crossing, find themselves engaged in a struggle for survival as the town erupts in murder and violence. At last, the flood subsides but a mystery must still be unravelled before Missouri pays for his crimes.

Track Down the Devil

by Greg Mitchell

Published 30 September 2008
Outlaws are plaguing the Santa Rosa area and Marshal Tim Cleary is sent there to investigate the theft of military rifles. He joins forces with Sheriff Lou Braga in an attempt to break up the gang and to determine the fate of Red Baxter, the freight company driver moving the rifles.Diaz, a delusional Mexican goat herder, claims to have seen the bandit leader and believes him to be the Devil.Now the two lawmen must try to decipher Diaz's terrified ravings and weave their way through false trails and desperate situations before they finally track unmask the Devil and bring retribution.

Montana Bound

by Greg Mitchell

Published 31 October 2019
Cowboys Marty and Harvey, at the end of a trail drive, decide to explore Montana, but fall foul of Jason Thorpe, a bank robber masquerading as a town marshal. In revenge the two cowboys take a gold watch from him but, unbeknown to them, the watch links Thorpe to a Civil War murder - and the killer is determined to get it back. Marty and Harvey soon become caught up in fighting between Thorpe and his former gang members over stolen bank money. And if Thorpe has his way, they will see Boot Hill before they see Montana.