Book 21

The Frightened Kitten

by Holly Webb

Published 5 March 2012
Maddie is determined to provide the perfect home for her new kitten, Cookie. She spends all of her time with Cookie, playing and cuddling! Maddie is sure that her lively kitten will love exploring their backyard, too! But little does she know that the neighbor's two tom cats see the yard as their territory. Together the bigger cats do their best to scare the kitten away! Soon, poor Cookie is too afraid to go out in the yard and spends most of her time hidden away. Will Maddie ever find a way to help her kitten overcome her fear?

Book 22

The Secret Puppy

by Holly Webb

Published 4 June 2012
When Daisy arrives at the farm campsite where her family is spending their vacation, she knows she's going to have the best time ever -especially when she finds out that the farm dog has just had puppies! Daisy can't help falling in love with one puppy in particular, which she secretly names Baxter. Soon the pair are inseparable, and as the end of the vacation draws near, Daisy can't bear the thought of leaving the puppy behind. Even though she's known all along that she wouldn't be able to keep Baxter, how will Daisy ever bring herself to say good-bye?

Book 26

Kidnapped Kitten

by Holly Webb and Sophy Williams

Published 1 January 2014
Tia is thrilled when she gets a beautiful pedigree Bengal kitten, who she names Milly. Bengal kittens are cute and clever, but can be naughty and Milly is soon in all sorts of trouble - getting shut in cupboards, climbing shelves and even falling into the neighbour's pond. When Tia hears that someone is stealing pedigree cats in the neighbourhood she is very worried and decides to keep her adventurous pet kitten indoors. But Milly manages to escape and the next day she still hasn't come back. Tia is terrified that her missing kitten has been stolen by the cat thieves. What if she never sees poor Milly again?

A brand new tale from best-selling author Holly Webb. The Kidnapped Kitten is the 26th book in the Animal Stories series, a must for animal lovers aged six and up. The Animal Stories have sold over a million copies in the UK. From stolen kittens to lost puppies and runaways, Holly's tales of puppies and kittens have won her legions of fans.

Book 27

The Scruffy Puppy

by Holly Webb

Published 7 April 2014
Bella has always dreamed of getting her very own dog, and her wish finally comes true when she and her family visit the rescue shelter to choose a pet. One of the puppies, Jack, has wild, frizzy ears and a huge, fluffy tail, and he has always dreamed of the perfect home. Both are thrilled when Bella chooses Jack. The puppy loves living with Bella, and she adores playing with him. But then Bella's friends start saying mean things about Jack. Can Bella prove to everyone that there's more to her scruffy puppy than meets the eye?

Book 28

Brave Kitten

by Holly Webb and Sophy Williams

Published 1 January 2014
A brand new tale in the Animal Stories series from best-selling author Holly Webb, about a girl and her brave pet cat.

Helena loves to help out at the vet's surgery where her older cousin Lucy works as a nurse. Then one day, a young cat is rushed in, having been injured by a car. Helena helps to care for the cat she calls Caramel, but where will he go if his owner can't be found?

The Brave Kitten is the 28th book in Holly Webb's Animal Stories series, a must for animal loving girls and boys aged six to eight years.

Book 29

Forgotten Puppy

by Holly Webb

Published 1 January 2015
Emi looks forward to her weekend visits to her dad's, but she's sad that her Shiba Inu puppy, Rina, can't come too. During the school holidays, Emi visits her dad for four whole days, and Rina is restless - what if Emi doesn't come back? Determined to find her owner, Rina escapes and heads to the last place she saw Emi - the railway station...

A heart-warming read, perfect for fans of Magic Animal Friends and Animal Ark.

Book 30

The Secret Kitten

by Holly Webb

Published 6 April 2015
Alicia falls in love with a stray kitten whom she names Catkin. She even makes Catkin a home in the greenhouse in their yard. But how long can she keep the kitten a secret?

Book 31

A Home for Molly

by Holly Webb

Published 1 June 2015

On holiday at the seaside, Anya is excited when she meets a friendly family with children her own age – playing with them and their gorgeous puppy, Molly, is so much fun! But when she returns to the beach the next day, she discovers the pup all on its own. Anya sets out to look for her owners, but when she eventually tracks down the family, they’re very surprised. Molly isn’t their dog – they thought she belonged to Anya! With her holiday drawing to a close, can Anya find Molly’s real owners?

A heart-warming read from best-selling author Holly Webb, perfect for fans of Magic Animal Friends and Animal Ark.

Book 32

Sammy the Shy Kitten

by Holly Webb

Published 7 January 2016
Emma loves the stray cats at the riding school stables, especially a kitten she names Sammy. She wants to take Sammy home, but can she talk her parents into adopting a half-wild kitten?

Book 33

The Seaside Puppy

by Holly Webb

Published 7 April 2016
Laura knows she’s lucky to live by the ocean at the vacation cottages where her mom works. But she would love to have a dog to play with, too. Then some guests arrive with an adorable King Charles spaniel named Henry. Sadly, the puppy is always left behind when his owners go to the beach. Laura offers to keep an eye on Henry, and soon, the pair are inseparable. But what will happen when it’s time for Henry to go home?

Book 34

The Curious Kitten

by Holly Webb

Published 11 August 2016
Amber’s parents are having building work done and her kitten is very curious about all the new people coming and going. Then the little cat climbs into one of the builders’ vans and its owner drives off without noticing. The kitten escapes to find herself in a strange new place. Will she ever find her way home to Amber?

A heart-warming read from best-selling author Holly Webb, perfect for fans of Magic Animal Friends or Animal Arc.

Book 35

Monty the Sad Puppy

by Holly Webb

Published 12 January 2017
Amelie has always loved dogs, but she never dreamed that she’d end up with two of them! Their puppy, Monty, has only been with them for a few months when her family offer to take in her grandad’s beloved Daisy as he has to go into a care home. Amelie promises Grandad they will look after the old dachshund brilliantly. But when Daisy arrives, she is obviously unhappy and scared. Meanwhile, Monty doesn’t understand why there is another dog in his house. And with Amelie making such a fuss over the new arrival, he soon starts to feel very unwanted. Doesn’t Amelie care about him any more?

A brand new tale in the Animal Stories series from best-selling author Holly Webb. Monty The Sad Puppy is the 35th book in Holly Webb’s Animal Stories series, a must for animal loving girls aged around six to eight years.

Book 36

The Homeless Kitten

by Holly Webb

Published 6 April 2017
Lily and her dad are taking their dog, Hugo, for a walk in the woods when Hugo sniffs out a litter of tiny kittens! But the mother cat is nowhere to be found. Lily is most worried about the fluffy white kitten, who looks so small and hungry. With no room for the kittens at the local animal rescue, Lily's family agrees to take care of them until a forever home is found. As each day passes and the kittens grow stronger, Lily falls in love with them more and more. She knows it won't be long before the kittens are ready to go to be adopted, but she can't bear the thought of saying good-bye-especially to the little white kitten....

Book 37

A Kitten Called Tiger

by Holly Webb

Published 1 June 2017
Ava’s new kitten, Tiger, may be small but he makes up for it with his big personality and sense of adventure. As Tiger gets up to various escapades Ava finds herself coming to the rescue, even having to save the kitten from next-door’s dogs when Tiger climbs over the garden wall. But when the kitten disappears one night Ava has no idea where he could be. Meanwhile, Tiger is stuck up in a tall tree, cold and alone.
The next day Ava is walking home from school with her friend Jess, about to put up missing posters, when she hears a meow and spots Tiger. The girls go to get Jess’s dad, who has a tall ladder, but the terrified kitten only retreats further into the tree as he sees this strange man approach. Ava bravely climbs up with some cat treats, and she and her beloved kitten are reunited.

Book 38

The Unwanted Puppy

by Holly Webb

Published 11 January 2018
Jade can’t help but fall in love with Bear, an adorable Bernese mountain dog puppy she meets in the park after school. Bear is large and lively and belongs to a new family in the neighborhood. Bear’s owners are always on the go and are grateful when Jade offers to walk Bear. But as she spends more time with him, she begins to worry that they aren’t able to give him the attention and exercise he needs. How can she help Bear when he isn’t her dog to help?

Book 39

The Rescued Kitten

by Holly Webb

Published 5 April 2018
Edie and her friend Layla can’t believe it when they find an injured kitten on their way home from school. She looks so small and weak that Edie knows she must get the kitten home right away so her mom, a veterinarian, can take care of her. Edie’s mom isn’t sure the tiny kitten is going to make it, since she’s been separated from her mother. But Edie is determined to nurse her back to health. Then she starts to worry. Could there be more kittens out there? And are they in trouble, too?

Book 40

The Shelter Puppy

by Holly Webb

Published 14 June 2018
As part of her school’s community week, Kaitlyn visits her a local animal shelter. There she falls in love with Teddy, a gorgeous whippet cross, who becomes the star of her project.

But when a boy in her class watches Kaitlyn’s presentation and decides he wants to adopt Teddy, she realizes how much she wants to keep Teddy herself. And she can’t help feeling happy when it turns out that James’s family aren’t suitable to adopt Teddy. She isn’t even excited about the surprise birthday outing her family have organized – until she finds herself at the shelter…

Book 41

The Perfect Kitten

by Holly Webb

Published 10 January 2019
Abi has always wanted a kitten of her own, but when her family contact the local animal shelter to enquire about adopting one, she’s devastated to find out that the busy road they live on would make it too dangerous.

Then the shelter rescues a deaf white kitten that needs to be kept inside. She’s the perfect kitten for Abi’s family! But how will they adapt to looking after an indoor kitten? And what will happen when the kitten gets bored of staying inside?

Book 42

The Puppy Who Couldn't Sleep

by Holly Webb

Published 4 April 2019
Lara and her family adopt an adorable puppy that Lara had found and names him, Jet. But Jet howls all night long! What can Lara do to help her puppy sleep?

When Lara finds a homeless puppy in an alley, she knows she has to help. She brings him back to her house and names him Jet, and he seems delighted with his new home. There's just one problem. When night falls, the world becomes a scary place for Jet and his howling keeps the entire family awake. Lara is desperate to help the puppy sleep--but what can she do?

Book 43

The Loneliest Kitten

by Holly Webb

Published 11 July 2019
Charlie the kitten has found his forever home with Darcy and Will but when school starts Charlie starts to feel neglected and finds another home to visit!

Darcy notices that Charlie, her family's adopted kitten from the Rescue Center keeps disappearing, so she tries to spend more time with him. But one day, Charlie doesn't return home at all! What has happened to him? Will he ever come back?