Book 3

Monster Stories

by Joan Stimson

Published 3 December 1992
Intended for under fives, this audio cassette and book pack comprise a collection of stories written to thrill. Strange noises came from behind the tent. Danny crept round to peek. And then he saw it ...a spikey stegosaurus.

Book 80

Bedtime Stories

by Joan Stimson

Published 30 January 1992
Pirate the kitten spent hours clawing the cushion and twisting this way and that. His expression grew more sour by the minute. Perhaps Pirate's cold, said Ben.

Book 82

Farmyard Stories

by Joan Stimson

Published 30 January 1992
Children of all ages will love these appealing, funny stories and rhymes, for listening to at any time of the day.

Book 83

Animal Stories

by Joan Stimson

Published 30 March 1995
A pack comprising an audiocassette and a book with animal stories, one of which is about a hippo. Hic, said the hippo, I'll stand, hic, on my head. I'll make these hiccups better. Oh hic... they're worse instead.'