Book 1

Murder at Melrose Court

by Karen Menuhin

Published 5 December 2018

Book 2

The Black Cat Murders

by Karen Menuhin

Published 28 April 2019

Book 7

The Mystery of Montague Morgan

by Karen Menuhin

Published 3 December 2021
Ladies man, dandy, charming rogue, thief. Montague Morgan has a buccaneering reputation and he doesn't give a damn - until he falls in love. He has a plan, he needs money and he knows how to get it. He and his lover conspire to escape to exotic lands with stolen gold.
But the gold belongs to dangerous people and plans can go awry. Morgan disappears, has he escaped, or has he fallen prey to lethal retribution?
Lennox's friend, ex Chief Inspector Swift is embroiled, and Lennox steps in to help, but his wedding is fixed for Christmas Eve and it's only a few days away. As the mystery around Montague Morgan deepens, so the tension rises...
Major Heathcliff Lennox - ex WW1 war pilot, 6feet 3inch, tousled dark blond hair, age around 30 - named after the hero of Wuthering Heights by his romantically minded mother - much to his great annoyance.

Book 8

The Birdcage Murders

by Karen Menuhin

Published 28 June 2022