New bilingual title from Free Spirit’s popular Best Behavior® board book series of English-Spanish books for kids.

Many young children go through a biting phase. This upbeat, colorful, bilingual English-Spanish board book gives reasons why children might want to bite. Little mouths feel sore when new teeth come...Read more

Words Are Not for Hurting

by Elizabeth Verdick

Published 15 January 2004
Encourages toddlers and preschoolers to express themselves using helpful, not hurtful, words. Includes a note for parents and caregivers on language development.

“Look at those feet! Aren’t they sweet?” Yes—when they’re walking, standing, leaping, and landing. And when they’re kicking balls or leaves. But not when they’re kicking people!

In simple words and charming full-color illustrations, this bilingual English-Spanish book helps toddlers learn to use their feet for fun, not...Read more

As parents and teachers know, yelling comes naturally to children. This friendly, encouraging book, geared to preschool and primary children, introduces and reinforces where and when to use an “indoor voice” or an “outdoor voice.” In classic Best Behavior style the author tells young readers, “Your voice is a...Read more

With gentle encouragement, this book teaches children that they can think before speaking, choose what to say and how to say it, and find positive ways to respond when others use unkind words. The importance of saying “I’m sorry” is reinforced. Includes tips for parents and caregivers.

Tails are not for Pulling

by Elizabeth Verdick

Published 1 September 2005
Pets may not have words, but they do communicate. Paying attention to an animal's cues -a joyful bark, a scary growl, a swishing tail - can help a child understand what the animal is "saying" and what an appropriate response might be. That's part of what this book is...Read more

Worries Are Not Forever

by Elizabeth Verdick

Published 4 September 2018
Give young children strategies to ease anxieties and worries and feel better again.

Everyone feels worried at times, and young children are no exception. Friendly and reassuring, this book geared to preschool and primary children explains what worries are and how it feels to be worried. The book...Read more

English-Spanish bilingual editions of titles in Free Spirit s popular Best Behavior series. This friendly, encouraging bilingual English-Spanish book introduces and reinforces where and when to use an indoor voice or an outdoor voice. Vivid illustrations teach children the times and places for an indoor voice, the ways people...Read more

Potty training for kids takes patience and practice, and this charming, straightforward book helps pave the way. With Diapers Are Not Forever / Los pañales no son para siempre, young children learn how to use the potty and why it’s time to do so, while gaining the courage and...

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English-Spanish bilingual editions of titles in Free Spirit’s popular Best Behavior series.

The toddler years are full of growth and smiles and sweetness—but also tantrums. With toddlers, yelling, screaming, wailing, and flailing are a normal part of life. Very young children don’t yet have the words to express...Read more

English-Spanish edition helps young children develop strategies to make waiting less frustrating and learn that patience is important. Children are often waiting for the school bus, their turn on the slide, or their birthday and waiting can be frustrating! But learning to be patient and developing self-control will equip...Read more

Children learn boundaries and safety when using screens, and fun things to do when screens are off.

As important as screens are in our lives, we all need to unplug, especially children. This reassuring picture book offers children and families a starting point for limiting screen time and...Read more

Look at those feet! Aren't they sweet!

Yes - when they're walking, standing, leaping and landing, or when they're kicking balls or leaves. But not when they're kicking people. In simple words and colourful pictures, this book helps little ones learn to use their feet for fun, not for...

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If pets could talk, what would they say?

Maybe 'Fur is for petting, backs are for scratching, noses are for nuzzling ... and tails are not for pulling!' Toddlers and pets are adorable together - when toddlers know the basics of being kind to animals. Simple words and colourful...

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Screen time is important for learning and can be helpful and fun, but it's also fun to be done! 

This active, encouraging book offers little ones enjoyable ways to spend their time without screens such as jumping, running, singing, swinging and playing pretend. Young children will learn that 'screens...

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Achoo! Cough! F-L-U-S-H!

What to do? Cover up a sneeze or cough. Hug or blow kisses when you're sick. And most of all, wash your hands! In childcare, in preschool, at home and everywhere, toddlers need to learn that germs are not for sharing. Child-friendly words and colourful illustrations...

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Some words are loud and some are soft. Some are kind, but some are not.

Even very young children can learn the difference. They can be responsible for what they say, and they can choose words that are helpful, not hurtful. This book shows them how. Simple words and...

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Ouch! Biting Hurts.

Simple words and charming pictures invite even the youngest child to discover better ways to cope with frustration, mouth pain, or mad, sad or cranky feelings. Why? Because teeth are for smiling, not biting! Includes helpful hints for parents and caregivers.

About the Best Behavior Series:

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