Vulture Gold

by Chuck Tyrell

Published 29 July 2005
Garet Havelock was a Cherokee half-breed and the marshal of Vulture City. But that wasn't enough to stop outlaw kingpin Barnabas Donovan from sending in three armed men to rob $100,000 in bullion from the Vulture Mine headquarters, killing two people in the process. Havelock set out to catch the thieves and recover the gold and in the unforgiving Mojave Desert, Jicarilla Apaches forced Havelock and Donovan's bunch together in a cave on Eagle Eye Mountain. Then there was Laura Donovan, half-sister to the outlaw leader...Now Havelock must survive the Apache 'run of death' and face Donovan's gunslingers to get the gold and the girl.

Hell Fire in Paradise

by Chuck Tyrell

Published 30 November 2010
Laurel Baker lost her husband and her two boys on the same day. Then, as if that wasn't enough, logging magnate Robert Dunn came riding to her ranch on Paradise Creek with gunmen at his side and a cold sneer on his face, offering to buy her out. Naturally, Laurel refuses to sell the place where her loved ones lay buried, but Dunn won't take no for an answer and he soon turns to shooting to get his way. Laurel has the help of her loyal friends but will that be enough when Dunn brings ten deadly gunmen along for the final battle for her land? Can she live through hell-fire in Paradise?