Book 1

Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Not Reading by Tommy Greenwald is the hilarious story of an avid non-reader and the extreme lengths to which he'll go to get out of reading a book.

Charlie Joe Jackson may be the most reluctant reader ever born. And so far, he's managed to get through life without ever reading an entire book from cover to cover. But now that he's in middle school, avoiding reading isn't as easy as it used to be. And when his friend Timmy McGibney decides that he's tired of covering for him, Charlie Joe finds himself resorting to desperate measures to keep his perfect record intact.

Book 1

El peor lector del mundo, Charlie Joe Jackson, se está convirtiendo en un experto en subir nota. ¿Cómo es posible? Sus notas son tan tristes que Charlie Joe ha prometido a sus padres que obtendrá únicamente A para que no lo envíen al campo de verano académico. Ahora, en vez de encontrar maneras de evitar la lectura a toda costa, Charlie Joe se que- da hasta tarde después de clases, posa para los estudiantes de arte e incluso actúa en una obra de teatro acerca del inventor de las toallas de papel... ¡todo mientras se enamora de la chica recién llegada a la ciudad! Charlie Joe está a punto de descubrir que hacer trabajos adicionales significa tener una vida con complicaciones adicionales.

Charlie Joe se vio obligado a mejorar sus notas para evitar perderse un verano estupendo, pero nunca se imaginó que podría convencer a sus profesores de deportes y arte para lograrlo, al mismo tiempo que una chica nueva llama su atención. Libro #2

Book 1

Middle schooler Charlie Joe is proud of his success at avoiding reading, but eventually his schemes go too far.

Book 2

Bright but unenthusiastic middle school student Charlie Joe Jackson signs up for the school play in an attempt to get straight As on his last quarter report card in order to avoid having to go to Camp Rituhbukkee over the summer.

Book 3

Book 4

Charlie Joe Jackson is backNand trying desperately to get straight A's in order to avoid going to academic camp for the summer. To do this, he will have to betray his friend, lose the girl of his dreams, and end up acting in a school play about the inventor of paper towels.

When his weekly allowance just isn't cutting it anymore, lovable slacker Charlie Joe devises ways to make more money. Book #4

Book 5

"Everyone has a girlfriend except Charlie Joe! But he won't be left in the dust. Look out for make-ups, break-ups, and hilarious romance tips as Charlie Joe figures out this crazy little thing called love"--

Book 6

Yes! Graduation day is finally here! Charlie Joe has been waiting for this moment his entire middle school career. This might even be the best day of his life. No more teachers! No more books! Just make it through the ceremony and he's free. But suddenly things around him are starting to change. Words like responsibility and college prep keep popping out of his friend's mouths. What happened to words like fun and pool party? And come to think of it, doesn't high school bring more teachers and more books? Maybe this whole growing up thing isn't such a good idea after all. Actually, being a kid is pretty darn fun! Surely Charlie Joe can figure out a way to put the brakes on growing up - and fast!

Jack Strong Takes a Stand

by Tommy Greenwald

Published 24 September 2013
Tired of being forced to participate in sports and take extra lessons and tutoring to become well-rounded in anticipation of college, middle-schooler Jack Strong stages a sit-in on his couch until his parents ease up.

Lights! Camera! Action! Here are a few things you need to know about Pete Milano:
-He's the class clown. What's the point of having friends if you can't make them laugh, right?
-His family owns the best Italian restaurant in town. Pizza anyone? Yum.
-He's always getting in trouble. It's not like he means to get in trouble, trouble just finds him. (Like all the time.)
-He thinks books are only worth reading if they have pictures. Lots of pictures. That's why he drew extra pictures in here.
-He can't tell a lie. Ever. Even if he wanted to.
-And last but not least-he's about to become famous-big-time famous-because he just got asked to audition for the hottest new movie. But does becoming famous mean losing all your friends?

Charlie Joe Jackson's best friend Katie Friedman is tough, but can she convince her fellow middle schoolers to give up their phones for a week? When a text goes wrong, Katie Friedman learns the hard way that sometimes you need to disconnect to connect. Here are a few things you need to know about Katie Friedman. Katie is swearing off phones for life! (No, seriously. She just sent the wrong text to the wrong person!)She wants to break up with her boyfriend. (Until, that is, he surprises her with front row tickets to her favorite band, Plain Jane. Now what!?). She wants to be a rock star (It's true. She has a band and everything.) Her best friend is Charlie Joe Jackson. (Yeah, you know the guy.) And most importantly, Katie s been offered the deal of a lifetime get ten of her friends to give up their phones for one week and everyone can have backstage passes to Plain Jane. (A whole week!? Is that even possible?).