Harps for a Wanted Gun

by Ty Walker

Published 1 June 2016
A tall youngster searches for a job, riding across the infamous desert known as Satan's Lair, toward the isolated town of Apache Pass. As he reaches the midway point of the perilous ocean of sand, rifle bullets start to rain down on him. Cy Harper spurred and tries to outride the deadly rifle fire. For hours the dozen unknown riders chase his high-shouldered black stallion and keep firing. What Harper doesn't know is that his thoroughbred horse looks just like a mount ridden by a deadly hired gunman known as 'Lightning' Luke Cooper. Mistaking Cy Harper for the lethal 'Lightning' Luke, Judge Brewster and his men keep chasing and firing at Harper - they want the bounty that rests on Cooper's head. One of their bullets catches Harper in his muscular shoulder. He slumps, draped over the neck of his trusty mount as death keeps firing at him. Is this the end for an innocent drifter?

Hunter's Moon

by Ty Walker

Published 20 November 2017
Hunter Lane Chandler returns to Rattlesnake Valley with fresh game to sell to the townsfolk only to discover the town is seemingly empty. In the sheriff's office, he finds the veteran lawman has been killed. Then in the livery stable he finds the slaughtered body of the blacksmith. Soon he finds out that a deadly bunch of outlaws known as Corbin's Raiders have not only killed several of the townsfolk, but have also taken schoolteacher Molly Drew with them. Chandler sets out to rescue Molly. But he soon finds out that hunting men is a far more dangerous than hunting animals.

Kid Cheyenne

by Ty Walker

Published 28 February 2019
A mysterious hired gunfighter, known only as Kid Cheyenne, has just received a telegraph wire from a remote settlement called Bloodstone. The sender, a man named Ben Black, wants to hire his dubious talents to kill someone for him. The Kid rides to Bloodstone but soon discovers that Black is not what he seems. Kid Cheyenne might just be fighting on the wrong side.