Book 7

Facets of Systems Science

by George J Klir

Published 31 October 1991
This book has a rather strange history. It began in Spring 1989, thirteen years after our Systems Science Department at SUNY -Binghamton was established, when I was asked by a group of students in our doctoral program to have a meeting with them. The spokesman of the group, Cliff Joslyn, opened our meeting by stating its purpose. I can closely paraphrase what he said: "We called this meeting to discuss with you, as Chairman of the Department, a fundamental problem with our systems science curriculum. In general, we consider it a good curriculum: we learn a lot of concepts, principles, and methodological tools, mathematical, computational, heuristic, which are fundamental to understanding and dealing with systems. And, yet, we learn virtually nothing about systems science itself. What is systems science? What are its historical roots? What are its aims? Where does it stand and where is it likely to go? These are pressing questions to us. After all, aren't we supposed to carry the systems science flag after we graduate from this program? We feel that a broad introductory course to systems science is urgently needed in the curriculum. Do you agree with this assessment?" The answer was obvious and, yet, not easy to give: "I agree, of course, but I do not see how the situation could be alleviated in the foreseeable future.

Book 25

Generalized Measure Theory examines the relatively new mathematical area of generalized measure theory. The exposition unfolds systematically, beginning with preliminaries and new concepts, followed by a detailed treatment of important new results regarding various types of nonadditive measures and the associated integration theory. The latter involves several types of integrals: Sugeno integrals, Choquet integrals, pan-integrals, and lower and upper integrals. All of the topics are motivated by numerous examples, culminating in a final chapter on applications of generalized measure theory.

Some key features of the book include: many exercises at the end of each chapter along with relevant historical and bibliographical notes, an extensive bibliography, and name and subject indices. The work is suitable for a classroom setting at the graduate level in courses or seminars in applied mathematics, computer science, engineering, and some areas of science. A sound background in mathematical analysis is required. Since the book contains many original results by the authors, it will also appeal to researchers working in the emerging area of generalized measure theory.