Book 12

Plan of Attack

by Dale Brown

Published 11 May 2004
The new adventure thriller from the master of the aerial technothriller -- the bestselling author of FLIGHT OF THE OLD DOG and WARRIOR CLASS.

Book 24

Eagle Station

by Dale Brown

Published 26 May 2020

Battle Born

by Dale Brown

Published 1 November 1999

Patrick McLanahan returns to dramatic flying action as conflict between North and South Korea sparks an international crisis - in the latest high-tech, high-action thriller from ex-pilot Dale Brown, the New York Times bestselling author of Flight of the Old Dog and The Tin Man.

* Filled with explosive adventure, unforgettable characters and authentic technology, Dale Brown's New York Times bestselling novels have established him as the undisputed master of the aerial thriller. Now he returns to the air in a spectacular novel about a world on the brink of war and a new generation of brash young heroes...

Aerial combat expert Patrick McLanahan's latest challenge is to turn a group of young, maverick pilots into America's premier tactical strike force. This already difficult task takes on unexpected urgency when the fragile peace in Asia is shattered as South Korean fighter-bombers attack North Korea in support of a massive people's revolt.

To the world's surprise, North Korea surrenders, the borders are thrown open and the defiant new United Republic of Korea is born - ready to use its reserve of nuclear warheads to take on the USA and even attack China in order to preserve its sovereignty. Thus begins a violent conflict that threatens to embroil all of Asia. Enter McLanahan's raw, audacious team, sent into the fray both to protect United Korea and to stop it...

Air Battle Force

by Dale Brown and William Dufris

Published 13 May 2003
The new adventure thriller featuring maverick pilot Patrick McLanahan from the bestselling author of FLIGHT OF THE OLD DOG, WARRIOR CLASS and WINGS OF FIRE. Patrick McLanahan has a shot at redemption as he takes aerial warfare into unknown territory in a heart-racing new adventure. Still smarting from recent losses, the brilliant but unpredictable former USAF Major General is accepted back into the fold and assigned a simple task: devise and build the air combat unit of the future. McLanahan's answer: the Air Battle Force -- a rapid-response team of elite commandos protected by state-of-the-art body armour and supported by an armada of unmanned planes. His idea is soon put to the test when the oil-rich Republic of Turkmenistan becomes a battleground between Taliban insurgents, former Soviet overlords, Iranian opportunists and American oil companies and politicians. But can a handful of commandos half a world away, aided by an unproven force of robot warplanes, fight and win a war in which seemingly everyone -- even 'friendly' forces at home -- want them to fail?

Tin Man

by Dale Brown

Published 1 January 1998

Patrick McLanahan and his team embark on a high-tech battle against crime in the USA - in the spectacular new thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of Flight of the Old Dog and Fatal Terrain.

The master of military adventure creates the ultimate one-man army...

In another action-packed thriller of unrivalled authenticity, former pilot Dale Brown brings back his ever-popular hero Patrick McLanahan - this time at the centre of an undeclared war exploding on the streets of America.

Now retired, McLanahan works for a company developing cutting-edge strategic devices for the armed forces. But when his rookie-cop brother is shot by terrorists, he transforms himself into a high-tech weapon of war. Protected by a new carbon-filament bodysuit that can instantly harden into stronger-than-steel armour and armed with almost-superhuman powers he can barely control, he embarks on a personal mission of revenge that will send his life spiralling towards disaster.

Shadow Command

by Dale Brown

Published 13 May 2008
General Patrick McLanahan returns in a battle to expose the corruption at the heart of the American government. General Patrick McLanahan's provocative Aerospace Battle Force has grown in to a fully fledged task force, based in orbit on the Armstrong Space station. However, their successfull defeat of the Iranian threat is making people nervous. Apparently under pressure from the Russians, the UN and the liberal press, newly elected President Joseph Gardener cuts their funding and fires McLanahan branding him an obstacle to the peace process. What the public doesn't know is that Gardener is being blackmailed by the Russians who hold damning evidence of his adulterous relationships and other scandals. With the ABF de-comissioned the Russians begin to amass troops around Iran and the Persian Gulf. McLanahan, going against orders, attacks the Russian forces and delays their attack. He warns the Russians that he will act unilaterally to stop them advancing in the Persian Gulf. Though the President, furious with his behaviour, has ordered his arrest, McLanahan is virtually untouchable and he knows it.Located on one of the most secure bases ever built, in command of an arsenal of the most sophisticated air weapons in the world, even the Marines and the FBI cannot touch him - for now.
McLanahan, up against his own countrymen and an army of aggressive Russians must struggle to clear his name and expose the President's corruption

Rogue Forces

by Dale Brown

Published 28 April 2009
"Brown is excellent."--San Francisco Chronicle Dale Brown, whose books live on the New York Times bestseller list--alongside the novels of Vince Flynn, Brad Thor, and other superstars of the military adventure genre--triumphs again with Rogue Forces. A riveting and relentlessly exciting thriller, Rogue Forces explores a timely and important question in this age of Blackwell and Halliburton: What would happen if the Army's private security contractors became uncontrollably powerful? Brown's popular character, Patrick McLanahan, is going Rogue in this chillingly plausible adventure that further solidifies Dale Brown's reputation as "the best military writer in the country" (Clive Cussler).

Strike Force

by Dale Brown

Published 1 May 2007
Action packed adventure from The New York Times bestseller Dale Brown Charged with rebuilding America's long-range attack force devastated in Edge of Battle, Special Adviser to the President Lt. Gen. Patrick McLanahan shocks everyone by proposing to build a force of spaceplanes, able to attack any target on the globe within minutes. The project is led by test pilot Captain Hunter Noble. Just then, Iran's theocratic regime falls victim to a swift military coup that reveals its immense military power to the world. The new self-appointed Iranian president, General Buzhazi wants to normalize relations between Israel and the United States. Buzhazi appeals to the world for help in hunting down terrorists, he argues that only he has the resources to stop radical fundamentalist Islam, and the world responds favourably. Hunter Noble secretly launches several reconnaissance satellites over Iran to monitor Buzhazi's powerful forces. Soon the satellites reveal Buzhazi's real plan, planting thousands of Iranian Pasdaran special-ops troops throughout the oil-rich Kurdish region of northern Iraq. The U.S. tries to re-establish a strong military presence in the Persian Gulf and Arabian Peninsula, but Iran has the upper hand now, and the U.
S. government realizes it is in danger of losing control of the entire Middle East. But Hunter Noble is already working up a plan to strike back, showing the real power of the spaceplane force.

Executive Intent

by Dale Brown

Published 11 May 2010
When the United States develops a new, state-of-the-art missile defense weapon, it threatens global stability and pits the world's superpowers in a contest for dominance in the space around Earth's orbit.

A Time for Patriots

by Dale Brown

Published 10 May 2011

When murderous bands of militiamen begin roaming the western United States and attacking government agencies, it will take a dedicated group of the nation's finest and toughest civilian airmen to put an end to the homegrown insurgency. U.S. Air Force Lieutenant-General Patrick McLanahan vows to take to the skies to join the fight, but when his son, Bradley, also signs up, they find themselves caught in a deadly game against a shadowy opponent.

When the stock markets crash and the U.S. economy falls into a crippling recession, everything changes for newly elected president Kenneth Phoenix. Politically exhausted from a bruising and divisive election, Phoenix must order a series of massive tax cuts and wipe out entire cabinet-level departments to reduce government spending. With reductions in education and transportation, an incapacitated National Guard, and the loss of public safety budgets, entire communities of armed citizens band together for survival and mutual protection. Against this dismal backdrop, a SWAT team is ambushed and radioactive materials are stolen by a group calling themselves the Knights of the True Republic. Is the battle against the government about to be taken to a new and deadlier level?

In this time of crisis, a citizen organization rises to the task of protecting their fellow countrymen: the Civil Air Patrol (CAP), the U.S. Air Force auxiliary. The Nevada Wing-led by retired Air Force Lieutenant-General Patrick McLanahan, his son, Bradley, and other volunteers-uses their military skills in the sky and on the ground to hunt down violent terrorists. But how will Patrick respond when extremists launch a catastrophic dirty bomb attack in Reno, spreading radiological fallout for miles? And when Bradley is caught in a deadly double-cross that jeopardizes the CAP, Patrick will have to fight to find out where his friends' loyalties lie: Are they with him and the CAP or with the terrorists?With A Time for Patriots, the New York Times bestselling master of the modern thriller Dale Brown brings the battle home to explore a terrifying possibility-the collapse of the American Republic.

Price of Duty

by Dale Brown

Published 16 May 2017
In a top-secret location deep in the Ural Mountains, Russian President Gennadiy Gryzlov has built his nation's most dangerous weapon since the atomic bomb--a fearsome tool to gain superiority in Russia's long-running battle with the West. From inside Perun Aerie--an intricate network of underground tunnels and chambers that is the heart of the Russian cyber warfare program--he is launching a carefully plotted series of attacks on an unsuspecting U.S. and its European allies. The first strike targets Warsaw, Poland, where Russian malware wipes out the records of nearly every Polish bank account, imploding the country's financial system and panicking the rest of Europe. When Stacy Anne Barbeau, the besieged American president, fails to effectively combat the Russian threat, Brad McLanahan, on some well-earned R&R with his new Polish girlfriend, Major Nadia Rozek, is called back to duty. As the Russians' deadly tactics escalate--including full-scale assaults on Europe's power grid and the remote hijacking of a commercial airliner that kills hundreds of civilians--McLanahan and his Scion team kick into gear, arming themselves with the most advanced technological weaponry for the epic struggle ahead. A patriot in the mold of his father, the late general Patrick McLanahan, Brad knows firsthand the price of freedom. With the world's fate hanging in the balance, will Scion succeed in turning back Gryzlov before he can realize his terrifying ambition to conquer the globe? And what will the toll of victory be?