Book 24

It is rare that we feel ourselves to be participating in history. Yet, as Bertrand Russell observed, philosophy develops in response to the challenges of socio-cultural problems and situations. The present-day philosophical endeavor is prompted not by one or two, but by a conundrum of problems and controversies in which the forces carrying life are set against each other. The struggles in which contemporary mankind is fiercely engaged are not confined, as in the past, to economic, territorial, or religious rivalries, nor to the quest for power, but extend to the primary conditions of human existence. They under mine man's primogenital confidence in life and shatter the intimacy of his home on earth. Philosophical reflection today cannot fail to feel the pressure of the current situation within which it unfolds. Since this situation now involves the ultimate conditions of human existence, its demands have at last given to philosophy the impetus and direction needed for conceiving that the first and last of its concerns should be life itself.

Book 25

PART I THE CRITIQUE OF REASON CONTINUED: FROM LOGOS TO ANTI-LOGOS 1. THE NEW CRITIQUE OF REASON A new critique of reason is the crucial task imposed on the philosophy of our times as we emerge more and more from so-called "modernism" into a historical phase which will have to take its own paths and find its own determination. It may be considered that the main developmental line of modern times in its philosophy as well as in its culture at large was traced by the Cartesian cogito. The unfolding of Occidental philos­ ophy has culminated in reason or intellect's being awarded the central place. This is its specific trait. We can see a direct line of progression from the cogito to Kant's Critique. It is no wonder that this work is the landmark of modern philosophy. Kant's Critique was concerned with the foundation of the sciences. Edmund-Husserllaunched a second major, renewed, critique of reason, one which addresses not only the critical situation of the sciences but extends the critique even to the situation of Occidental culture as its malaise is diagnosed by this great thinker. Edmund Husserl voiced, in fact, the conviction that Occidental humanity has reached in our age the peak of its unfolding. His identify­ ing this peak with the formulation of phenomenological philosophy strikes at the point in which the significant and novel developments of Occidental culture and philosophy (phenomenology, that is) coincide.

Book 70

Employing her original concept of the ontopoiesis of life, the author uncovers the intrinsic law of the primogenital logos - that which operates in the working of the indivisible dyad of impetus and equipoise. This is the crucial, intrinsically motivated device of logoic constructivism. This key instrument is engaged - is at play - at every stage of the advance of life. In a feat unprecedented in the history of western philosophy, the emergence and unfolding of the entire orbit of the human universe is shown to bear out this insight. Furthermore, the intrinsic rhythms of impetus and equipoise are taken as a guide in uncovering the workings of the logos all at once, in contrast to the piecemeal exposition of a single line of argument.
In a schema covering the entire career of beingness-in-becoming between the infinities of origin and destiny, an historically unprecedented harmonizing all sectors of rationality is accomplished in a span of reflection comparable to Spinoza's Ethics.
The work draws on interdisciplinary investigations in both science and the arts. All of the history of Occidental philosophy finds summary in it, even as feelers, guidelines, leitmotifs are thrown out for its future development. A landmark of Occidental philosophy at the turn of the millennium.

Book 87

Identifying quickly illusion with deception, we tend to oppose it to the reality of life. However, investigating in this collection of essays illusion's functions in the Arts, which thrives upon illusion and yet maintains its existential roots and meaningfullness in the real, we might wonder about the nature of reality itself.

Does not illusion open the seeming confines of factual reality into horizons of imagination which transform it? Does it not, like art, belong essentially to the makeup of human reality?

Papers by: Lanfranco Aceti, John Baldacchino, Maria Avelina Cecilia Lafuente, Jo Ann Circosta, Madalina Diaconu, Jennifer Anna Gosetti-Ferencei, Brian Grassom, Marguerite Harris, Andrew E. Hershberger, James Carlton Hughes, Lawrence Kimmel, Jung In Kwon, Ruth Ronen, Scott A. Sherer, Joanne Snow-Smith, Max Statkiewicz, Patricia Trutty-Coohill, Daniel Unger, James Werner.

Book 111

Lamentations over the disarray and disorientation in the philosophical quest may be heard from all sides today. The horizon of the All no longer beacons, for our hope of attaining it seems ever to recede.

Yet, challenging the mistrust of reason that pursuit is precisely engaged in what is undertaken here. Our forty-year elaboration of the ontopoiesis/phenomenology of life as first philosophy/phenomenology in its unravelling of the metamorphic deployment of the logos of life has laid the foundations for the retrieval of the metaphysical vision.

Here the classic concerns of philosophy are not negligently dismissed but are ciphered afresh in the light of innumerable perspectives and insights brought to philosophical attention in a New Enlightenment by advances in the sciences of life and of human apprehension.

Strikingly enough pursuit of the greatest enigma of all, namely, that of the All enhancing Divine, is revived in the revelation that the logos informing life is the Fullness of God. In the Fullness being revealed in the infinite intricacies of the operations of the Logos of Life, we find the plenitude of God's experiencing man.

In times when the prevailing critique of reason casts aspersions on the quest for God through reason, the full revelation of the logos brings to the entire human experience the infinities of God.