Book 2

Payback Man

by Carolyn McSparren

Published 1 September 2001

Dr. Eleanor Grayson, large-animal vet at Creature Comfort, has taken care of animals all her life. Now she's in charge of the new farm program at the local prison. As she meets the inmates, one man catches her eye.

Steve Chadwick was still grieving his wife's death when he was convicted of her murder. Now he has only one thing on his mind. Escape! He needs to confront the real killer before the man absconds to Brazil. The last thing Steve can afford is to let the attractive lady vet distract him.

And the last thing Eleanor can afford is to fall for a convict with vengeance in his heart.

Book 3

Listen to the Child

by Carolyn McSparren

Published 1 September 2002

Nobody ever ignores Dr. John McIntyre Thorn

In the operating room he's king. His skill as a veterinary surgeon and his devotion to his four-legged patients are legendary. Unfortunately, his bedside manner with their owners needs a little work.

When Kit Lockhart brings her Corgi to the clinic for treatment, Mac is scathing in his criticism. Why had she waited so long to get the little dog treated? Only when Kit turns to face him and asks him to repeat his words does he realise she can't hear.

For the first time, Mac can't raise his voice to get his way. Now he has to listen. And Kit and her young daughter have a lot to teach him.

The Heart Listens

by Carolyn McSparren

Published 1 January 2011