Don't Say That!

by Janine Amos

Published 17 December 2002
Two brief stories demonstrate the importance of avoiding mocking and careless speech when we speak to one another.

Go Away!

by Janine Amos

Published 17 December 2002
Two brief stories demonstrate the importance of looking at a situation from another person's point of view when both of you want the same thing.

It Won't Work!

by Janine Amos

Published 17 December 2002
Two brief stories demonstrate the importance of staying calm and thinking about how to solve the problem when things do not work on the first try.

Don't Do That

by Janine Amos

Published 17 December 2002
Two brief stories demonstrate the importance of telling someone to quit when you do not like what they are doing, as well as telling them what you would like for them to do instead.

Good Friends Mixed Pack

by Janine Amos

Published 1 March 2001

It's Mine!

by Janine Amos

Published 17 December 2002
Two brief stories demonstrate the importance of sharing, being careful with the property of others, and taking turns.

Move Over!

by Janine Amos

Published 17 December 2002