Book 2

Fathers and Other Strangers

by Karen Templeton

Published 1 September 2003
Jenna Stanton had raised her niece, Blair, from birth, with nary a clue as to who the child's father was. Until now - when the piece of paper in her hand led her to the inexplicably attractive grouchy ex-cop Hank Logan. How could she tell Hank that her daughter was his? And more important, should she? The former detective in him told Hank that the pretty widow and the smart-mouth kid were in town for more than just the local scenery. But to say he was floored to find out the truth wasn't even close. Because in Blair and Jenna he was offered a chance to assume the two roles in life he'd sworn he would never take on. Father. And husband.

Book 3

Staking His Claim

by Karen Templeton

Published 1 January 2004
Dawn Gardner had left behind her life in tiny Haven, Oklahoma, for the greener pastures of New York City years ago - or so she thought. But something kept pulling her back. Could that something be handsome horse breeder Cal Logan? Dawn thought they were through - but since her last visit, two months ago, had left her with a little more than memories, it looked as if her life and Cal's were going to be tied together even more permanently...Which was fine with Cal - because it was clear to him from the start that he and Dawn were made for each other. Still, could he convince the stubborn but sexy "big-city" girl that home was where the heart was? His heart. Her heart. And their unborn baby's...

Book 6

A Husband's Watch

by Karen Templeton

Published 28 February 2006


There weren't many things a man felt he could count on, but Darryl Andrews had always been sure of his place in the world, with his wife, Faith, by his side. They'd been just kids themselves when they married, but now, five children later, he thought they'd seen it all.

And then the tornado hit. They were grateful to have survived. Still, things didn't seem right. Could their rock-solid marriage actually be faltering? Suddenly Darryl was sure of only one thing: He had to fight for Faith's love.