Book 1

The Secret Agent's Surprises

by Tina Leonard

Published 1 January 2009

The blackest sheep of the Morgan clan came home to Texas to collect his inheritance...not start a family.

But there's a family already waiting for him! Four orphaned quadruplets in need of a loving home are pretty hard to resist. The hitch? To adopt them, Pete needs a wife. And Priscilla Perkins could be the ideal candidate....

She may be wildly attracted to the globe-hopping secret agent, but Priscilla isn't going to be lassoed into marriage by Pete or his matchmaking father. Even if it is just a temporary engagement. And even if the tiny babies are calling to something deep inside her.

Priscilla may not think Pete is husband material, but he knows she'd make a super mom. With five angels stealing his heart, it's a scenario no man can resist!

Book 2

The Triplets' Rodeo Man

by Tina Leonard

Published 1 January 2009

Jack Morgan came home to the Morgans' Texas ranch on urgent family business-not to get roped into marriage.

But he's finding it impossible to steer clear of his attraction to angelic Cricket Jasper. Now the virtuous deacon is pregnant...with triplets! The sexy rodeo rider has always been in Cricket's secret prayers. But she never dreamed she'd be having Jack's babies!

She knows the firstborn Morgan son came home to make things right with his estranged father. Now he's about to become a father. What will it take to make a family man out of this wandering rover? Because if three babies and the love of a good woman aren't enough to settle down this lonesome cowboy, nothing will be!