Stop Smoking

by Clive Hopwood and Peter Cross

Published 23 December 2005
"Stop Smoking" isn't like other books out there on the market. Addicts know the risks they take every time they inhale. They hear all the negative publicity and government warnings too. They may be smokers but they aren't stupid. What they want is tried and tested methods to help them stop. That's where Peter and Clive come in. In "Stop Smoking" they reveal: how to stop the chain reaction ("well I've had one so why not two..."); how to step out of the comfort zone; the point of needles - how acupuncture can help; whether patches, gum and nicotine replacement therapies really work; why keeping super busy keeps the addict at bay; hints on how to de-stress your life after you've given up. With the "52 Brilliant Ideas" series readers can enhance their existing skills with negligible investment of time or money and will substantially improve their performance over the course of a year. Each of the 52 chapters tackles a single aspect of the subject in an entertaining and lively way. At the end of each chapter is a "how did it go?" feature which allows readers to reflect on the lesson in a classical experiential learning pattern.
The tone of each book is personal and informal; readers will feel as thought they are having a one-to-one with their favourite coach.

Quit Smoking for Good

by Peter Cross and Clive Hopwood

Published 21 June 2007
Millions of us want to be quit smoking and live healthier lives, and there's tons of advice out there to help us. But who's got time to wade through it all to find the stuff that works? We need failsafe short cuts to break the cycle of addiction so we can stop the cravings and quit smoking for good. Part of the fantastic new "Brilliant Little Ideas" series, "Quit Smoking for Good" is compact, inspiring to read and fantastic value. We have selected the very best ideas from our database of expert ideas and stripped them down to the absolute essentials. It is simply brilliant.

So youOCOve been made redundant? Join the crowd. Redundancy is now a common life experience, especially in a global recession! Almost a quarter of adults will be affected by redundancy during their lifetime. But you are not a victim. What matters now is how you react to the challenge. Overcoming redundancy will help you make the right decisions at this crucial time and it will help you choose the right future direction. Overcoming redundancy contains advice from survivors - from those who have been made redundant and have not only survived but turned it to their advantage. Many now look back on redundancy, with the benefit of hindsight, as the best thing that ever happened to them. Use this book to learn from their experience and advice. Redundancy is an intensely emotional experience. It can affect your self-esteem and motivation. You are only human if you feel a sense of anger, betrayal or loss when you are made redundant. Overcoming redundancy will help you cope with the social and emotional impacts of redundancy. It will also provide valuable tips on managing the financial effects of redundancy. And most importantly it will help you look forwards, not backwards. If youOCOve been made redundant, reading this book is the first step towards bouncing back. Good luck!"

Defeat Depression

by Sabina Dosani

Published 1 January 2005

"How can you recapture those golden moments when your relationship was new and exciting, when the thought of just speaking to your lover made your heart pound? Would you both now rather watch the TV than talk, cuddle, or even kiss? And as for sex - is that now reserved for Bank Holidays in leap years? Well, it doesn't need to be like that! With a little bit of effort, and using our practical and inspiring ideas, you can light that fire again!" - Sabina Dosani and Peter Cross. What's it about? In "Re-energise your Relationship", Sabina and Peter will inspire us to take a look at our relationship and recapture that lost magic. They reveal how to: say sorry; find time to talk; put the book at bedtime to one side; create quality time for each other; understand why people change; and, rediscover what turns you on. We can all have a happy, fun and sexy relationship if we want by using Sabina and Peter's 52 brilliant ideas.


by Sabina Dosani and Dr Sabina Dosani

Published 1 January 2008
Dr. Dosani has put together 52 ideas to enable parents to help their children survive being bullied and become stronger and more confident people as a result.

Raising Pre-Teens

by Sabina Dosani and Peter Cross

Published 4 September 2007
A manual for the parents of tweens answers common questions and presents a host of practical, ingenious, and creative solutions to assist parents in navigating the difficult and turbulent pre-adolescent years.

Heal Your Troubled Mind

by Sabina Dosani

Published 1 December 2011

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is the most commonly diagnosed childhood psychiatric condition. It is generally agreed that 2-5 per cent of the school age population is affected by ADHD, a condition characterised by excessive hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity. Children with ADHD, and their parents, have it tough. ADHD is not curable but it is manageable. Behavioural techniques can work wonders to alleviate symptoms and enable children with ADHD and their families to have happy, fulfilling and productive lives. Calm your hyperactive child gives parents the low down on how they can help their ADHD child be a calmer, happier person. Learn how to spot the warning signs and prevent hyper breakouts before they start, discover the foods that can help your child stay calm, find out how to use cause, effect and consequences to your advantage, and learn how to change your own behaviour patterns to help change your child's.With the help of "Calm Your Hyperactive Child" you can turn your hyper tearaway into the calm, happy and loving child you know them to truly be.
Key points include: sympathetic and practical guide to coping with and helping children who suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, packed with expert advice that really works; expert advice from leading authority on ADHD and associated conditions - author is also a respected psychiatrist with many titles in print; straight-talking about what works and what doesn't; with the 52 Brilliant Ideas - format techniques can be built easily into a lifestyle, week by week; and, chapters are completely independent of one another so readers can easily dip in and out.

"We all know we can do a better job of bringing up our children. We're not super-parents ourselves, but we are experts in parenting and child psychology with long experience of the sort of problems families can face. Raising children is one of the most important and rewarding things you can do in life. It can be challenging, even maddening, but if you get it right it is one of life's great experiences. If you are looking for some brilliant ideas for doing it better, this book's for you. Our ideas will help you and your children get more out of family life and help your children enjoy their own lives more." - Sabina Doasani and Peter Cross. Here are 52 brilliant ideas to improve the quality of your family life. These parenting ideas have been road-tested and refined in the laboratory of life. "Raise Pre-teens" will show you how to: toddler proof your home; solve sibling conflicts; out-manipulate the manipulators; overcome toilet troubles; involve grandparents - use 'em or lose 'em; and, use rewards for maximum payback.

Perfect Parenting

by Dr Sabina Dosani and Peter Cross

Published 18 November 2010