High-impact CVs

by John Middleton

Published 21 December 2004
"Your CV should be the single most powerful weapon in your job hunting armoury. It should hit a potential employee's desk and scream "Give me that job...!" That's the theory, anyway. I must have looked at over 25,000 CVs in my time in various HR and personnel roles. The only thing that 90% of those CVs screamed at me was "Bin me immediately!" The rest were either so dull that they sent me into an immediate coma, or so full of the almost God-like qualities of the applicant that I felt like returning them with a post-it note saying "Verily we are not worthy..." Statistics show that when an employer first picks up your CV you've got about eight seconds to make an impact. Knockout CVs helps to ensure you make that impact. Just think - if you hit the right buttons with a potential employer, you can secure that sought after job and at the same time help reduce the number of work days lost to comas annually. Good luck in your new job!" - John Middleton.

Upgrade Your Brain

by John Middleton

Published 1 January 2006
"Do you envy people who just seem to be able to 'get it' all of the time, whether it's crossword clues, answers to pub quizzes or the ability to absorb and understand big issue reports? Well, the good news is that they're probably not any more intelligent than you. They are most likely using parts of their brain that you just haven't discovered you have yet. Using these tried and tested tips and techniques you can discover the true genius you can really be! " - John Middleton.