Book 3

A Dragon's Ascension

by Ed Greenwood

Published 20 March 2002
Aglirta is known as the Kingless Land. Once prosperous and peaceful, it has fallen into lawlessness, studded with feuding baronies. But Aglirta is kingless no more, for the Sleeping King of legend has been reawakened by the efforts of the valiant Band of Four: * Hawkril, a bold and...Read more

The Dragon's Doom

by Ed Greenwood

Published 1 May 2003
"The Serpent is vanquished, and the Dragon is dead ...but has the endless strife that kept Aglirta a Kingless Land finally ended?" Hawkril the mighty warrior, Embra the beautiful sorceress, and Craer the crafty thief mourn their lost companion, but now must forge new alliances in their role as...Read more