Read all about the First World War, discover when it started and how it came to an eventual end.

A simple fun picture quiz helps readers to recall what they have read.

A perfect one-stop-shop for help with homework assignments!

Broad-ranging appeal for nursery age through to Key Stage 2.

Read all about the Second World War, discover when it started and how it came to an eventual end.

A simple fun picture quiz helps readers to recall what they have read.

A perfect one-stop-shop for help with homework assignments!

Broad-ranging appeal for nursery age through to Key Stage 2.

Read all about Florence Nightingale and her work during the Crimean War. Find out how she changed the face of nursing from a mostly untrained profession to a highly skilled and well-respected medical profession with very important responsibilities.

A simple fun picture quiz helps readers to recall what they have read.

A perfect one-stop-shop for help with homework assignments!

Fact Cat: History: Samuel Pepys

by Izzi Howell

Published 8 September 2016

Read all about Samuel Pepys and the diary he wrote 400 years ago. Find out about the important events he recorded, such as the Great Fire of London and the Great Plague, and why he was known as the 'father of modern navy'.

A simple fun picture quiz helps readers to recall what they have read.

A perfect one-stop-shop for help with homework assignments!

Find out about the exciting life of Rosa Parks. Read about her childhood and discover what life was like during segregation in the USA. Learn about her brave bus protest and see how she inspired the amazing events of the civil rights movement.

A simple fun picture quiz helps readers to recall what they have read.

A perfect one-stop-shop for help with homework assignments!

Broad-ranging appeal for nursery age through to Key Stage 2.

Find out about the exciting life of Emily Davison. Read about her childhood and learn about the marches and protests of the WSPU. Discover what happened at the Epsom Derby and how women finally got the vote in Britain.

A simple fun picture quiz helps readers to recall what they have read.

A perfect one-stop-shop for help with homework assignments!

Broad-ranging appeal for nursery age through to Key Stage 2.

Find out about the life of Edith Cavell. Read about her childhood and discover how she helped British and German soldiers at the beginning of the First World War. Learn how she helped British soldiers to escape from Belgium and what happened after the Germans arrested her.

A simple fun picture quiz helps readers to recall what they have read.

A perfect one-stop-shop for help with homework assignments!

Broad-ranging appeal for nursery age through to Key Stage 2.

Find out about the life of Mary Seacole. Read about her childhood and discover how she learned about herbal medicines. Learn about her hotel and shop and find out how she helped soldiers on the battlefields of the Crimean War.

A simple fun picture quiz helps readers to recall what they have read.

A perfect one-stop-shop for help with homework assignments!

Broad-ranging appeal for nursery age through to Key Stage 2.