Where Eagles Fly

by Kenneth Meadows

Published 23 February 1995
A new science of living that will release your hidden potential and creative imagination.

The Medicine Way

by Kenneth Meadows

Published 31 May 1990

Rune Power

by Kenneth Meadows

Published 30 May 1996
This is a guide to Runes by the author of "Earth Medicine". It provides information on the sources and nature of the Runes, how to read and write the Runes, how to design Runescript and Brindrunes, and how to consult the Runes for advice, wisdom and inspiration. This is a guide to Runes, the ancient and mysterious angular symbols inscribed in wood or stones. The book contains practical exercises, diagrams and illustrations and provides information on the sources and nature of the Runes, how to read and write the Runes, how to create a set of Runes, how to design Runescript and Brindrunes, how to consult the Runes for advice, wisdom and inspiration, and how to use the Runes to determine our destiny.

Earth Medicine

by Kenneth Meadows

Published 30 June 1994

Native Americans had a close affinity with the earth and an understanding of the natural forces which shaped their environment.

They recognised that not only were our physical bodies composed of the elements of the earth but our core personalities also were influenced by seasonal characteristics and by the tides of time governed by the Sun and the Moon.

The time of birth was no chance happening of fate, but an indication of personality traits and inherent potentials we were each born with to meet the challenges of life.

The key to exploring your individuality is a Birth Totem - an animal representation which indicates the characteristics and attributes which combined together comprise your 'medicine' - your inner power and resources.

Learn how to:
- Identify your own Birth Totem
- Connect yourself to your true potential
- Discover your life purpose and learn how to fulfil it
- Explore all aspects of your life including health and relationships.

Shamanic Experience

by Kenneth Meadows

Published 26 July 1991
In an age when much of the earth's surface has been explored, the spiritual realms within us are still, for many people, uncharted territory. This Inner Space was experienced by shamans and the 'Wise Ones' of all cultures and traditions who could bring to the surface of consciousness knowledge that could then be applied to improve the quality of individual lives. Today, the opportunity exists for us all to experience the reality of transcending distance and time, find new understanding, and discover the inspiration and guidance to meet all of life's challenges.Shamanic Experience, packaged together with its unique shamanic drumming CD, can enable you to:-- awaken and develop your inner senses & resources-- access other levels of awareness and retrieve information that is relevant to all areas of your life -- discover that the power of every living thing, including yourself, lies within