Book 2

Gift Smoke Jensen lived in Bury. His family had been murdered years ago by hired gunhands. The gunhands moved to Bury and Smoke is seeking revenge.

Book 3

When gold is discovered in the little town of No-Name, Colorado, its initially joyful citizens are besieged by an onslaught of fortune-hunting gunslingers, and Smoke Jensen recruits a handful of legends to help protect the town.

Book 4

Racing home to his Colorado ranch, Smoke Jensen learns that his beloved wife has been shot by a band of outlaws who were hoping to kill him instead, and Jensen vows that he will stop at nothing to make them pay.

Book 5

Book 5

Book 6

The Greatest Western Writer Of The 21st Century

When The Bullets Start To Fly

Smoke Jensen sat in a cave and boiled the last of his coffee. He figured he was in Idaho-somewhere south of Montpelier-but he was certain about only two things: he was cold and he was being hunted by a small army of men. Smoke knew why he was cold-it was winter. He just didn't have a clear idea of why anyone was after him.

He was soon to find out that he'd unwittingly ridden into the middle of the fiercest range war in years. Now he had to either choose sides or return home across the back of a horse. Smoke had never taken kindly to being bullied. . .so when Jud Vale and his cutthroat gang started pushing him around, Smoke Jensen just pushed right back. . .

Book 6

Book 7

Book 8

Book 9

Book 10

Book 10

Book 10

Book 11

Book 11

Book 12

Book 13

Book 14

Book 15

Book 16