Children and Emotion

by Paul L. Harris

Published 18 May 1989
This book will be of interest to psychologists, educators and philosophers. It highlights the child's increasing insight into the complexity and subtlety of our mental life.

The Work of the Imagination

by Paul L. Harris

Published 4 September 2000
This book demonstrates how children's imagination makes a continuing contribution to their cognitive and emotional development.

Children and Imagination

by Paul L. Harris

Published 4 September 2000
A long intellectual tradition, uniting such diverse figures as Freud and Piaget, states that children's early fantasy life is primitive and disorganized. In The Work of the Imagination Paul Harris argues against this tradition, showing that children's ability to imagine hypothetical and counterfactual possibilities makes a continuing contribution to their cognitive and emotional development. In particular, he reveals how children's ability to entertain such possibilities is critical for making causal and moral judgements.Incorporating a unique, cross-cutting approach, The Work of the Imagination discusses a number of key topics in cognitive development that are usually discussed quite separately.