Loaded with exercises, applications, assignments, and screen illustrations, this text uses a project-based technique to thoroughly demonstrate the functions of these software packages. A Quick Reference Guide is included.

"Discovering Computers 2011: Complete, International Edition", provides an exciting and dynamic environment in which to learn about today's most important computer concepts.

Microsoft Office Access 2010: Complete provides a project-based, step-by-step approach to successfully teach students Microsoft Access 2010 skills.

This text provides the reader with comprehensive coverage of the computer concepts needed to be understood by all people who will be interacting with computers. Included in the book are subjects such as interactive and batch processing systems, input to the computer, obtaining output from the computer, data communications,...Read more

Students are guided through the latest trends in computer concepts and technology in an exciting and easy-to-follow format. Updated for currency, this book and the robust Online Companion provide students with the most up-to-date information on the latest technology in today's digital world.

We are excited to announce the publication of the ground-breaking Discovering Computers: Fundamentals Edition. This book is the Shelly Cashman Series answer to the many requests we have received from instructors and students for a textbook that provides a succinct, yet thorough, introduction to computers. Discovering Computers: Fundamentals Edition...Read more

The Shelly Cashman Series is proud to introduce you to Discovering the Internet. This book was designed to blend concepts and basic skills required to be a successful user of the Internet. All topics are key to one's productivity, resourcefulness, and overall knowledge. Societal coverage make this book unique,...Read more

This book should be of interest to undergraduate students taking courses in microcomputer applications.

Microsoft Expression Web 2: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques, International Edition teaches students the essentials of web design using the latest design software, Microsoft Expression Web 2.

With the latest edition of this classroom success, Shelly and Cashman have successfully blended coverage of cutting-edge technology with core computer concepts to make learning about computers interesting and easy. Discovering Computers 2001: Concepts for a Connected World fosters online course development with its integration of the World Wide...Read more

Part of the highly successful Shelly Cashman Series, this text offers a clear, step-by-step, screen-by-screen approach to learning the basic skills of Microsoft Outlook 2000.

ADOBE DREAMWEAVER CS4: INTRODUCTORY CONCEPTS AND TECHNIQUES, 1E follows the Shelly Cashman Series' proven step-by-step, screen-by-screen approach to teaching the Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 software.

"Discovering Computers and Microsoft Office 2007: A Fundamental Combined Approach, International Edition" is designed to provide you with everything you need for your Intro to Computers course in one book. This new offering from the "Shelly Cashman Series" combines the best selling "Discovering Computers" computer concepts material with Microsoft...Read more

Microsoft Office 2010: Brief provides a project-based, step-by-step approach to teaching the Office 2010 applications.

Structured Cobol

by Gary B Shelly and etc.

Published 1 September 1997
This book should be of interest to undergraduate students taking courses in programming using Cobol.

This book should be of interest to undergraduate students taking introductory computer courses.