The Ocean Alphabet Book

by Jerry Pallotta

Published 1 February 1989
Learn your ABCs in this aquatic exploration of everything under the sea. Best-selling author Jerry Pallotta delivers a fun first concepts book that covers sea creatures from A to Z. From speckled cod to jellyfish to the shiny shells of scallops, readers will be introduced to over twenty-six species that live in the North Atlantic Ocean. Jerry Pallotta’s signature witty while scientifically accurate text paired with fun and detailed illustrations by Frank Mazzola Jr. make this a fun read aloud that kids and parents will be eager to dive into.

This fact-filled text with richly-detailed illustrations introduces not only the alphabet but also the wonders of the mammal world.

What mammal jumps ten feet high to avoid hungry lions?
What monkey almost always gives birth to twins?
What mammal has a nose so large that it has to be moved out the way just to eat?
What mammal has eyes that are bigger than its brain?
Jerry Pallotta and Edgar Stewart deliver an intriguing book which will fascinate young children.

Flower Alphabet Book

by Jerry Pallotta

Published February 1988
Describes a variety of flowers from A-Z, beginning with the amaryllis and concluding with the zinnia.

The Yummy Alphabet Book

by Jerry Pallotta

Published 1 February 1994
Welcome to a delectable alphabet adventure. While on your way to "Z is for Zatar," relish the savory Mustard, the aromatic Spearmint, and the spicy Wasabi. You'll also want to try the Kola, the Vanilla, and especially the Xocoatl!

Mouth-watering illustrations and informative, child-appealing text makes this a delicious treat for hungry readers.

The Underwater Alphabet Book

by Jerry Pallotta

Published 1 February 1991
Introduces the letters A to Z by describing fish and other creatures living in the coral reef.

Icky Bug Alphabet Book

by Jerry Pallotta

Published 1 February 1989
Learn your ABCs in this “icky” exploration of all the creepy crawly insects from A to Z. Best-selling author Jerry Pallotta delivers a fun first concepts book that helps children discover why farmers like pray mantis, why fireflies light up the sky, or how water spiders breathe underwater. Pallotta’s signature witty yet scientific text paired with Masiello’s vivid and detailed illustrations make this alphabetic exploration one that will keep curious readers intrigued and engaged as they learn about the natural world of bugs.

Presents a dinosaur for each letter of the alphabet.

Ready to go birding?

Quick! Can you think of a bird whose name begins with X? Jerry Pallotta found one, and also birds for Q and Z and all the other letters of the alphabet.

But this isn't a simple "A is for Atlantic Puffin" kind of alphabet book. Find out where these birds live, how they survive, and the unique qualities that make them interesting.

Full of facts and fun, this book is sure to intrigue children with its array of feathered friends, from the familiar to the exotic. Take a brilliant tour of the bird world.

The Frog Alphabet Book

by Jerry Pallotta

Published 1 February 1990
A is for Amazon Horned Frog. B is for Blue-legged Strawberry Frog. C is for Crested Newt. What other amphibians can you think of? Learn more about these sometimes cute, sometimes dangerous, but always fascinating animals in THE FROG ALPHABET BOOK. Jerry Pallotta and Ralph Masiello explore the ponds, look under rocks, and dig in the mud to bring you this colorful and fun way to learn more than the alphabet.

Desert Alphabet Book

by Jerry Pallotta

Published 1 January 1994
The parched, mysterious deserts of the world are the landscapes for this alphabet array of plants, animals, and phenomena. Meet the colorful Crimson Chat, the deadly Inland Taipan, and the cartwheeling Golden Wheel Spider. Look beneath and beyond the sand for familiar, unfamiliar, and comical desert dwellers.

Author Jerry Pallotta and illustrator Mark Astrella invite readers to one of nature's most forbidding environments. And if you feel thirsty after reading about some of the driest places on earth, don't worry. There's a Water-holding frog!

The Freshwater Alphabet Book

by Jerry Pallotta

Published 1 February 1996
Come take a swim with freshwater creatures from around the world! Meet a fish that has no eyes and one that has four of them. Get to know an eel that carries enough electricity to light up a light bulb and a glacier-dwelling worm with blood that works like antifreeze.

Jerry Pallotta has done it again! The acclaimed alphabet-book author has joined forces with illustrator David Biedrzycki to create an exquisite and informative introduction to freshwater dwellers.

Learn about the five-eyed Opabinia and the Four-toed Horse. Speculate about the life of the Jamaican Long-tongued Bat. Discover the fate of the beautiful Quagga. But don't look for any dinosaurs in this book. There aren't any!

Millions of creatures other than dinosaurs are now extinct. In true alphabet book tradition, the author has found twenty-six of the most extraordinary past-inhabitants of the Earth.

Jerry Pallotta and Ralph Masiello team up to provide exciting, accurate text and illustrations filled with unusual and amusing insight that will satisfy fans of all ages.

Find out why boa constrictors swallow their meals whole, learn why gila monster's tails are so fat, and meet a lizard that is larger than most people.

As young readers turn the pages of this beautifully illustrated book, they will find that reptiles aren't really so "yucky." In fact, reptiles are among nature's most exotic and intriguing animals.

Jerry Pallotta's well-researched text and Ralph Masiello's vivid illustrations will enthrall young and not-so-young readers alike.

The Jet Alphabet Book

by Jerry Pallotta

Published 1 February 1999
Prepare for takeoff! Jerry Pallotta brings us another high-flying alphabet book with a lot of velocity. THE JET ALPHABET BOOK propels young minds into the wild blue yonder to fly with Goblins and Nighthawks while they lock in solid reading skills. Learn that the Flying Falcon, while able to carry 3000 pounds of fuel, can only fly for an hour and a half. The Dream, a Russian jet, is large enough to carry ten school buses! Zillions of other exciting facts about the jet age zoom across the pages of this book.

A wonderful blend of facts and humor makes learning about vegetable gardening fun and easy. Learn about fiddleheads, munchkin pumpkins, snow peas, walla wallas, and more!

Beautiful color illustrations lead children through a brief introduction to soil preparation and seed planting, as well as through a discovery of both common and exotic vegetables.

The Skull Alphabet Book

by Jerry Pallotta

Published 1 July 2002
A spooky fall read for kids, this picture book is ready for Halloween.

Riddle me this: what animal beginning with 'L' has binocular vision and is a predator?

THE SKULL ALPHABET BOOK makes young readers use their brains. Children learn simple facts and hone their critical thinking skills as they deduce the identity of 26 different animals arranged in alphabetical order.

Incredibly rich, realistic, and inventive oil paintings by Ralph Masiello lay a trail of clever clues to the identity of the animals represented only by their skulls. Look even closer and find hidden in the unique settings portraits of 43 of the presidents of the United States.

For kids that love things that go, this noisy alphabet book explores construction equipment from A to Z.

Find out about these construction machines and more, from a huge saw that cuts through roads to a massive vacuum that sucks up boulders. You'll even learn a quick and easy recipe for concrete. Rock crushers, jackhammers, and wrecking balls will delight the youngest of readers learning their ABCs.

Jerry Pallotta's trademark humor punctuates the informative text. Vibrant oil paintings bring to life a busy construction site.

The Beetle Alphabet Book

by Jerry Pallotta

Published 1 December 2003
Learn your beetles from A to Z as they crawl their way through the alphabet. Get to know the most diverse species on earth in this entertaining and informative nature ABC book. From the Dung Beetle to the Kalahari Beetle to the Zinc Metallic Beetles, the book is both fact-filled and fun for young readers. Full of Jerry Pallotta's signature humor and brought to life with bold artwork by award-winning illustrator, David Biedrzycki. A great introduction for the insect-enthused and lovers of all things that creep and crawl.

U.S. Navy Alphabet Book

by Jerry Pallotta

Published 1 July 2004
Learn about the Navy SEALS, aircraft carriers, submarines, and much more. This unique alphabet book also introduces readers to the semaphore, international code flag, and radio alphabets.