Book 165

The latest, definitive assessment of the state of free press around the world Attacks on the Press is a comprehensive, annual account of press conditions worldwide, focusing this year on the new face of censorship perpetrated by governments and non-state actors. Compiled by the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), the 2017 edition documents new dangers and threats to journalists and to the free and independent media. The risks are a combination of familiar censorship tactics applied in novel ways, and the exertion of pressure through unconventional means or at unprecedented levels. These censorship efforts range from withholding advertising to online trolling, website blocking to physical harassment, imprisonment to the murder of journalists. In the Americas, governments and non-state actors use new, sometimes subtle ways to limit journalists' ability to investigate wrongdoing. In Europe, authorities deploy intelligence services to intimidate the press in the name of national security. In Asia, governments block access to information online, and in some cases, punish those who manage to get around the obstacles.
And throughout the world, terror groups are using the threat of targeted murder to compel journalists to refrain from covering crucial stories or otherwise self-censor. Attacks on the Press documents how these new forms of censorship are perpetrated and provides journalists with guidance on how to work around them, when possible, and how to ensure their own safety as well as the safety of their sources and people with whom they work. The book enables readers to: * Examine the state of free media around the world * Learn which nations violate press freedom with impunity * Discover the most dangerous beats and regions * Delve inside specific, increasingly complex challenges CPJ's mission is to defend the rights of journalists to report the news without fear of reprisal. Attacks on the Press provides a platform for direct advocacy with governments and the diplomatic community, for giving voice to journalists globally, and for ensuring that those journalists have a seat in discussions at the United Nations, the Organization of American States, the European Union, the African Union, and others.

The most comprehensive guide to the global state of free press in 2015 Attacks on the Press is the world's most comprehensive guide to international press freedom. Compiled by the Committee to Protect Journalists, this informative guide features analytical essays from CPJ and other experts and provides a platform for direct advocacy with governments and the diplomatic community to give voice to journalists worldwide. Reporters and photographers face a myriad of risks, from highly publicized murder to imprisonment, cyberattacks, harassment, frivolous lawsuits, and censorship. The risks are increasing due to widespread unrest and in response to the broad dissemination of critical information through social media and the Internet. This book gives journalists a seat at the discussions at the United Nations, Organization of American States, European Union, African Union, and more, to protect journalists and the freedom of press that is so essential to human rights. By publicly revealing abuses against the press and acting on behalf of imprisoned and threatened journalists, CPJ effectively warns journalists and news organizations where free press is in danger.
This book is their annual guide to where these attacks are occurring, and who is doing the attacking. * Assess dangers to freelance journalists in conflict zones * Evaluate new forms of censorship in places like Egypt, Hong Kong, and Turkey * Contemplate the long-range impacts of the publicized executions of journalists by militant groups * Review available cybersecurity measures and the price journalists pay to keep up with spies * Analyze the 10 most censored countries in the world Strong press freedom encourages the growth of a robust civil society, which leads to stable, sustainable democracies and healthy social, political, and economic development. Attacks on the Press is the most comprehensive annual survey of global press freedom, and a calling out of those who threaten it.