Kick Start is a new series of handy, pocket-size guides developed for the business traveler. Each guide is researched and written for a specific country and is designed to help readers kick-start themselves into action as soon as they arrive. Essential details are covered, including what to expect from the transportation system, where to get the best rate of exchange, and what to wear, as well as information on tax-free zones and local customs and etiquette. The guides are also helpful tools for entrepreneurs on the lookout for overseas business opportunities.With an economic growth rate of over 8%, it has been predicted that Indonesia will become a middle-income nation by the next century, opening up even more opportunities for foreign investment and expertise.Did you know...-- You should never touch anyone on the head, as the head is considered the spiritual center for the body-- Drinking the local water supply will give you Bali Belly (dysentery)-- 75% of the world's rattan products come from Indonesia-- Standing with your hands on your hips denotes a bad personality

Kick Start is a new series of handy, pocket-size guides developed for the business traveler. Each guide is researched and written for a specific country and is designed to help readers kick-start themselves into action as soon as they arrive. Essential details are covered, including what to expect from the transportation system, where to get the best rate of exchange, and what to wear, as well as information on tax-free zones and local customs and etiquette. The guides are also helpful tools for entrepreneurs on the lookout for overseas business opportunities.Costa Rica has often been labeled an entrepreneur's dream -- the California of the 1990s. Boasting a wealth of untapped resources, this tropical paradise is also attracting new overseas investment by privatizing industries traditionally run by the government, offering new and lucrative opportunities.Did you know...-- Any technology can be imported to Costa Rica as long as it meets conservation requirements-- When addressing Costa Rican professionals, you must call them by their title, not their surname-- Tourism is the top income earner For Costa Rica, bringing in over U.S.$600 million every year

Kick Start is a new series of handy, pocket-size guides developed for the business traveler. Each guide is researched and written for a specific country and is designed to help readers kick-start themselves into action as soon as they arrive. Essential details are covered, including what to expect from the transportation system, where to get the best rate of exchange, and what to wear, as well as information on tax-free zones and local customs and etiquette. The guides are also helpful tools for entrepreneurs on the lookout for overseas business opportunities.With an untapped market of over 71 million people, Vietnam offers incredible opportunities. Continued boosts from a wave of foreign investment indicate that this "Sweetheart of the Future" has huge financial potential for the adventurous entrepreneur.Did you know...-- You need written permission from the government before doing any kind of business in Vietnam-- In Vietnam, a smile can indicate embarrassment, anger, or frustration-- Wearing white during Tet (the three-day holiday in January/February celebrating the Lunar New Year) is forbidden

Kick Start is a new series of handy, pocket-size guides developed for the business traveler. Each guide is researched and written for a specific country and is designed to help readers kick-start themselves into action as soon as they arrive. Essential details are covered, including what to expect from the transportation system, where to get the best rate of exchange, and what to wear, as well as information on tax-free zones and local customs and etiquette. The guides are also helpful tools for entrepreneurs on the lookout for overseas business opportunities.Malaysia is one of the world's most rapidly developing countries and prime places for entrepreneurs. The stock market is booming, real estate and construction is at a record high, and manufacturing and economic growth is set to stay at more than 6% to 7% into the next century.Did you know...-- Malaysia devotes one-fifth of all its public spending to education-- The Malaysian handshake consists of touching the palms together and bringing the left hand to the heart (salaam)-- You should never wear yellow at royal functions or at the palace -- it is the color reserved for royalty