Standing Tall

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1997
Traces the treatment of giants in folklore, the challenges faced by unusually tall people throughout history, the medical reasons behind gigantism and acromegaly, and the prejudices that tall people find today.

Short Stature

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1997
Explores the portrayal of dwarfs in folklore, the causes and treatment of dwarfism, and the challenges of living in a society where bigger is thought to be better.

Multiple Births

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1998
Explores the phenomenon of multiple births, including those of twins, triplets, and larger groupings, discussing possible causes, medical issues, effects on the families, and other moral and practical concerns.

Wild Children

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1998
Describes the phenomenon of feral children, and relates several historical case studies of children found in the wild or surviving with limited human contact.

Joined at Birth

by Elaine Landau

Published 1 March 1997
Explores the issue of conjoined twins, including a discussion of the difficult decision regarding physical separation that parents must face.