Book 1

Mountain Angel

by Suzie O'Connell

Published 16 May 2012
Aelissm Davis figured she would eventually return home to Northstar, Montana, but not like this-desperate for the tranquility of the secluded valley and plagued by memories of her dead boyfriend and the advances of an obsessive former friend. Just when she begins to relax, a call from her old friend makes it clear he wasn't deterred, and she calls her overprotective uncle for advice. Things become even more tangled when he sends Patrick O'Neil "on vacation" to keep an eye on her. Aelissm is pretty sure her uncle is playing matchmaker again, but despite her annoyance, she finds herself irresistibly drawn to Pat. He is a haunted man with a kind smile and sad eyes, and he may just be the best thing to ever happen to her... if she can convince him to stay.

Book 2

Summer Angel

by Suzie O'Connell

Published 27 September 2012
Five years ago, Ben Conner killed a man. If that were the worst of it, he could have swallowed the guilt, but the man had a son-an eleven-year-old boy who was now no one's son. When he returns home to Northstar in a last-ditch effort to flee his guilt and nightmares, he prays he can reconnect with his best friend June Montana, because he knows her friendship is the only thing that can help him find peace. Instead of the escape he hoped for, Ben is reunited with the boy he orphaned. He will have to face the consequences of that fateful night or risk destroying his friendship with June. Before he can begin to forgive himself, an entirely new and disturbing problem arises. Someone from June's past wants revenge for a broken heart... and he's willing to kill to get it.

Book 4

Wild Angel

by Suzie O'Connell

Published 3 February 2014
Luke Conner is still struggling to move on a decade after the tragic murder of his high school girlfriend. Teaching at the same school he attended has turned out to be a nightmare instead of the dream it once was, and it'll take a miracle to salvage his career and his sanity. Ryan Connelly finds herself wanting to be that miracle. For four years, she has ignored her attraction to Luke, but she can no longer stand by as the other teachers harass him. Ignoring the warning in her still-bruised heart, she extends an offer of friendship. What begins as a tentative camaraderie quickly blossoms into something neither expected to find, but old habits die hard, and they both have to learn how to trust again before they can make a new life together.

Book 5

Once Burned

by Suzie O'Connell

Published 11 August 2015

Book 7

Forgotten Angel

by Suzie O'Connell

Published 13 May 2015
Shane McGuire and Becky Epperson have a history. They might have had much more, but the murders of two close friends killed their shot at forever before it had a chance to breathe. Nine years after Shane broke Becky's heart, they find their way home to Northstar and wonder if it is coincidence or fate that has brought them back at the same time. Becky is tired of pretending she doesn't still love him, but that doesn't mean she's willing to give him a second chance. Shane has many mistakes to mend, but he is prepared to do whatever it takes because the things in life worth fighting for rarely come easy.

Book 10

Last Surrender

by Suzie O'Connell

Published 22 February 2018

Twice Shy

by Suzie O'Connell

Published 3 October 2013