Liquid Death

by John Russell Fearn

Published 1 September 2009
A gang of criminals has established a far reaching racket in counterfeit coins, making English gold sovereigns to order. The CID is kept busy, but then there's a mysterious epidemic of deaths from snakebites. Chief Inspector Dawson of the Metropolitan Division's scientific branch discovers the relationship between deadly snakebite and counterfeit coins. Dawson is aided by Detective-Sergeant Harriday and Gwenda Blane. But Dawson and his colleagues risk their lives attempting to smash a ruthless homicidal racket ...

The Atlantic Tunnel

by John Russell Fearn

Published 1 July 2009
Deep beneath the floor of the Atlantic Ocean, scientists and engineers attempt the most daring and audacious scientific project of all time: the construction of an undersea tunnel between Great Britain and Canada; linking Land's End with Labrador. Canadian and British teams work simultaneously at either end, to converge in the middle. Using scientific methods to fight the crushing pressure and geological and marine perils involved, the brave workers face a far greater hazard - the danger within - from saboteurs!

Framed In Guilt

by John Russell Fearn

Published 1 February 2007

The Crimson Rambler

by John Russell Fearn

Published 1 January 2006

What happened to Walter Cardish, epicenter of a freak storm in the Lake District? The source of the strange lightning that struck him was a complete mystery, but only until its curious mental effect on Cardish became apparent.

The Slitherers

by John Russell Fearn

Published 1 May 2009
The obscure village of Coxwold had suddenly become the centre of attention of every daily newspaper. People from all over had descended upon it, investigating, questioning and sending reports to London. Something had happened in a nearby wheat field which had reduced two normal, healthy men to insanity and death. The police, suspecting foul play, lacked any evidence. So what could it be that had driven the victims to madness? This was unlike any crime ever before recorded...

Climate Incorporated

by John Russell Fearn

Published 1 January 1987
When meteorologist Alvin Brook invents a means of controlling the weather, he imagines it will lead to his becoming a world benefactor, with riches for him and his family. Instead, Brook and his wife are murdered, and his invention stolen and misused by industrialist Marcus Denham. Denham creates the mighty empire of Climate Incorporated, controlling the world's weather and holding nations to ransom...but he does not anticipate that outraged Nature - and Brook's son - will take their revenge.

Other Eyes Watching

by John Russell Fearn

Published 1 November 2008
For is latest invention, physicist Mason Brooks needs financial backing. To this end, he invites his wealthy sister Vera and her fiancé, Dr Douglas Ashfield, to witness a demonstration. There is an explosion and the experiment goes horribly wrong, and Vera is not only blind but has lost her eyes entirely. Then, to restore her sight, Vera undergoes a dangerous surgical experiment which results in plunging all three of them into an astonishing web of mystery and intrigue...

Man in Duplicate

by John Russell Fearn and Vargo Statten

Published 1 October 2007
Playboy millionaire Harvey Bradman is set an ultimatum by his fiancée: before she marries him, he must carry out some significant, courageous act. Amazingly, the next day the newspa­pers carry a full report of Harvey's heroic rescue of a woman from her stalled car on a level crossing! But Harvey had been asleep in bed at the time of the incident. And when his mysterious twin seeks him out, he becomes enmeshed in the sinister cosmic conspiracy being waged by his alien doppelganger...

Defying the edict of the Medical Council., Dr. Robert Cranston, helped by Dr. Campbell, carries out an unauthorised medical experiment with a 'deep freeze' system of suspended animation. The volunteer is Claire Baxter, an attractive film stunt-girl. But when Claire undergoes deep freeze unconsciousness, the two doctors discover that they cannot restore the girl. She is barely alive. Despite every endeavour to revive the girl, nothing happens, and Cranston and Campbell find themselves charged with murder...

The Rattenbury Mystery

by John Russell Fearn

Published 1 November 2007

Stranger In Our Midst

by John Russell Fearn

Published 1 November 2006

Secret Of The Ring

by John Russell Fearn

Published 1 October 2008

The Empty Coffins

by John Russell Fearn

Published 1 August 2009

The Tattoo Murders

by John Russell Fearn

Published 1 March 2002

The Spiked Boy

by John Russell Fearn

Published 1 April 2009


by John Russell Fearn

Published 1 November 2009
Physicist Lance Barley couldn't explain the presence of a half naked woman in his laboratory. The consequences would be serious for him. He knew the laboratory had been securely locked. It was impossible for anyone to have entered -- and the place was empty before he started up the generators in the Transmutation Laboratory. However, following completion of his experiment, the lights had come on -- and there she was! An exquisitely beautiful girl -- but she was also a deadly murderess!