Slinky Malinki, a mischievous cat, and Stickybeak Syd, a bird, get into lots of trouble when they are left alone in the house.

This bestselling story has now been brilliantly adapted for audio CD and there are two readings - the first is a straight reading with music and the second has a 'special sound' to indicate where to turn the page as you read along.
Hairy Maclary goes off for a walk with a few of his friends - and comes up against a nasty surprise, in the shape of the cat Scarface Claw, who chases the dogs away.

Hairy Maclary, Sit

by Lynley Dodd

Published 3 January 1998
Hairy Maclary causes trouble again when he is simply not in the mood for the Kennel Club's Obedience Class. He feels mischievous and mad and not only does he scamper away but all his friends - Bottomley Potts, Muffin McLay, Hercules Morse, Schnitzelvon Krumm and the rest follow "Galloping here, galloping there, rollicking, frolicking everywhere"!

A Dragon in a Wagon

by Lynley Dodd

Published August 1988
For the sake of variety, Susie imagines that her friendly dog Sam is a series of more exotic creatures, from a dragon in a wagon to a shark in the dark.

Recounts in rhyme the rumpus at the veterinarian's when all the animals get out of their cages.

Slinky Malinki

by Lynley Dodd

Published August 1990
Slinky Malinky, a friendly, fun loving black cat by day, turns into a fiendish and sly thief at night.

Fur rises and havoc ensues when Hairy Maclary the dog intrudes upon a cat show.

Hairy Maclary leads all the other dogs in the neighborhood to investigate the terrible caterwauling created when the tough cat Scarface Claw is caught up in a tree.

Hairy Maclary's Bone

by Lynley Dodd

Published 30 September 1984
A small black dog uses a series of slick maneuvers to protect his bone from his canine friends.

Zachary Quack Minimonster

by Lynley Dodd

Published 2 June 2005
Zachary Quack is back! The irrepressible little duckling is back and more pittery-pattery, skittery-scattery than ever. He's busy hustling and rustling all sorts of creatures on the riverbank when he comes across a dragonfly. He's determined to catch the dragonfly but it's far too quick, leading Zachary Quack on a flapping chase. He gets tangled in some wool and an old shoe, stuck in some glue and traipses through a sandpit and all the while not being able to catch the dragonfly. At the end of the chase it's not a little yellow fluffy duck we see but . . . Zachary Quack Mini Monster!

"Hairy Maclary felt bumptious and bustly, bossy and bouncy and frisky and hustly" Hairy Maclary, everyone's favourite dog, is busy chasing and hustling all the neighbourhood cats from Slinky Malinki to Pimpernel Pugh. But when he comes face to face with Scarface Claw, the toughest tomcat in town, it's Hairy Maclary's turn to be bustled, rustled and hustled!

Find Me a Tiger

by Lynley Dodd

Published May 1991
Each page in this book features a different animal, carefully camouflaged in its natural habitat. A rhyme tells readers what to look for, with animals such as a lion, seal, frog and chick to spot. Slinky Malinki, the black cat, also makes an appearance in the book.

Another story about Schnitzel von Krumm, the dog "with the very low tum". Schnitzel's family are packing for a holiday but Schnitzel can't help snuffling around bags and getting under feet. Finally on their way, the family don't realise that they'veleft one very important member behind - Schnitzel von Krumm himself. All ends happily when the cunning Schnitzel catches up with his family by hitching a lift with the speedy Miss Plum.


by Lynley Dodd

Published 31 August 1995
A colourful counting story about a selfish, bossy warthog who wants the watering hole all to himself. Elephants, leopards, giraffes, zebras and baboons all try to drink at the waterhole and are chased away by the grumpy warthog. They always sneak back for a drink and one day the warthog returns to his waterhole to find that they have drunk all the water and only thick brown mud is left.

Sausage dog, Schnitzel von Krumm, is outraged when his family decides to replace his worn out, beaten up old basket. The new bed doesn’t look right, feel right – or smell right! Something must be done …

Bestselling author Lynley Dodd’s tale will charm children and features one of the favourite characters first introduced in the `Hairy Maclary’ series.

Hairy Maclary and Zachary Quack

by Lynley Dodd

Published 18 January 2001
A small and very determined duckling sets out to play with a rather reluctant dog.

The Smallest Turtle

by Lynley Dodd

Published November 1982
A newly-hatched turtle makes the dangerous journey across a beach full of obstacles to the nearby sea.

Slinky Malinki Catflaps

by Lynley Dodd

Published July 1998
Slinky Malinki hobnobs with nine other cats in the moonlight, until the cranky and crotchety Scarface Claw disrupts their gathering.

Scarface Claw

by Lynley Dodd

Published 4 July 2002

"Wicked of eye, fiendish of paw, mighty and magnificent, SCARFACE CLAW! "

Hairy Maclary's arch-enemy Scarface Claw is at the centre of this story. But like most bullies, Scarface turns out to be not quite as tough as everybody thinks - in fact, he's scared of his own reflection!

Told through playful rhymes and watercolour illustrations, this hilarious classic story has delighted children for generations.

Discover more animal adventures:
Slinky Malinki
Hairy Maclary's Bone
Schnitzel von Krumm

Hedgehog Howdedo

by Lynley Dodd

Published 1 September 2001
A little girl wanders round her garden in winter, looking at all the hedgehogs hibernating in its many different corners. The book is a simple counting book and an early science book as it introduces readers to the impact of the seasons on animals and to winter hibernation.