Book 1

Soul Thing

by Lana Pecherczyk

Published 20 February 2018

There are worse things than witches that go bump in the night... and Roo might be one of them. 

The female population of the world has been decimated after a war against body-snatching witches. Years later, Roo is hiding in plain sight. She doesn't know where her powers come from, but they're the same as the enemy, and the last thing she wants is to be burned at the stake. Her plan to stay under the radar seems to work until a cocky witch-hunter comes to town with disaster in his wake. He reveals there are more powerful beings that possess humans, and Roo might be one of them. There is another war coming, and he needs her help.

Discovering her identity sends her on a downward spiral and if she doesn't get a grip on her powers soon, fighting off witches will be the least of her worries. With enemies coming at her from all sides, her only hope of survival is to trust the new handsome stranger in town. But when a ghostly witch can look like your sister, aunt, or next-door neighbor, trust is hard to come by... 

Evolution is the game, gods are the players, humans are the avatars, and witches are the glitch. The Game of Gods is an Urban Fantasy series with a slow burn romance that heats to epic proportions in the final two books. The adult strong female protagonist is kick-ass, full of humor and a little snarky.

Book 2

The Devil Inside

by Lana Pecherczyk

Published 31 March 2018


Cash’s soul was falling apart—literally. That was until Roo, his beautiful progeny, stuck it back together. He returns to his home town intending to train Roo and prepare her for the Game of Gods Academy, but demons from his past scratch from the inside and when he wakes from a nightmare, almost killing her, he decides she’s better off without him. While he runs from one responsibility, others are thrown in his path. Soon he’s faced with the devastating results of his retreat, and learns that while Roo may have fixed his soul, he broke her trust. When the truth about her identity comes out, Cash must overcome his doubts for the sake of her life, but can he overcome his demons in time?

Marc is a god. The god of the in-between. The messenger between the worlds, traveller between the dimensions, otherworldly trickster, shameless lover of all things. You may have heard of him, he’s been known as Hermes, Hoth, Loki … He’d be able to gloat more about his status if it wasn’t for the fact his years have left him a little flakey and his position has kept him tethered to the world of men. He’s on a mission to uncover the truth about the hunter’s inception so he can foil the plot to overthrow the Queen, and if he impresses the new racy red-headed Player, then props to him. But when a way out of his long service is presented, he’s left with a choice: take it, or follow his new friends into a battle they might not win without him.


Book 3

Playing God

by Lana Pecherczyk

Published 31 May 2018

To save her mentor, she ate the soul of an evil witch, but at what cost? 

Roo Urser spent most her life hiding her fearsome powers, but then she met Cash, a hunter with secrets of his own. He revealed her true purpose in life: to play The Game of Gods. Now she must use those powers to survive.

Forced to attend the academy at The Ludus, she is pitted against other bloodthirsty demigods. Freedom is only a few trials away and if she passes, she can declare independent. If she fails… she faces a fate worse than death. 

As lies and deceit surround her from all sides, Roo must decide who to trust amongst her powerful new companions—her sexy but emotionally scarred mentor, the cheeky god of the in between, or her rivals. But when the souls inside her battle for supremacy, her thoughts become unstable. How can she survive when she can’t trust herself?

Get this thrilling and fast paced, romantic and action packed third instalment in the Game of Gods series and enter a world unlike any you’ve seen before.

Book 4

Game Over

by Lana Pecherczyk

Published 3 July 2018

A supernatural war looms, and she is the key to unlocking it--and stopping it.

Roo is desperately trying to pick up the pieces her evil father left behind, while still keeping the existence of gods a secret from humans. But the Game of Gods is ending and the pressure to live up to her true identity is overwhelming. Not to mention she keeps missing her best friend's wedding, her unpredictable fiancé is becoming violent, and her father's war is catching humans in the crossfire.

The enemy is closer to home than Roo realizes and facing her past is the least of her worries. If she wants to defeat evil, she must embrace her true nature before it's too late, because it's not just the end of the game ... but the world.

A lost temple in the Amazon, a medieval castle in Budapest, and a summer beach in southern Australia. This final installment in the Urban Fantasy series, The Game of Gods, will take you around the world on a whirlwind adventure full of kickass heroines, fiery romance, and supernatural thrills. With a perfect dose of sci-fi, fantasy and mythology, this is not for young readers.

The Game of Gods series is rated M for Mature Audiences. It contains the occasional course language, sex scenes and the kind of graphic violence you'd expect to see when characters are fighting for their lives against body snatching witches.