Book 1

Queen of Egypt

by Kylie Quillinan

Published 15 June 2019

She knows she's going to kill the man she loves. She just doesn't know why yet.

Ankhesenamun needs to produce an heir to the throne -- quickly. Pharaoh Tutankhamun is young and weak. His chief advisors are planning his quiet removal and Ankhesenamun hopes to hold them off by producing an heir who can become a stronger Pharaoh.

When Pharaoh's advisors move the court from the desert city of Akhetaten back to ancient Memphis, Ankhesenamun is thrown into a new world of danger, secrets, and old gods. Her dreams warn her of a blond-haired man who she will fall desperately in love with -- and who will die by her own hand.

When the man from her dreams suddenly enters her life, she realises just how hard it's going to be to stay away from him. Forgetting the warnings, she throws herself into an affair with him. After all, she's supposed to be producing an heir. As his secrets start to be revealed, she searches for a way to save him. But saving his life might lead him to a fate worse than death.

Queen of Egypt is the first book in a new series set in 18th Dynasty Egypt in a world where the old gods have been worshipped for thousands of years and magic is a matter of belief. For readers of dark fantasy who enjoy an historical setting.

Book 2

Son of the Hittites

by Kylie Quillinan

Published 20 December 2019

Mourning Thrax’s death, Ankhesenamun tries to find peace again. But as she resumes her normal life, her world is upended by another death — this time, that of Pharaoh Tutankhamun.

As Ankhesenamun tries to keep control of her throne and her country, the chief advisors tighten their own hold on power. Stripped of all authority and confined to her chambers, Ankhesenamun finally does the unthinkable — she sends a message to the Hittite king offering the throne to one of his sons.

But before the Hittite prince can arrive, the chief advisors find out. Ankhesenamun needs a way to control the advisors and reclaim her position before someone else takes her place on the throne. Because the advisors only need one daughter of Akhenaten alive…

Blending history and fantasy, The Amarna Age series is set in 18th Dynasty Egypt where the old gods have been worshipped for thousands of years and magic is a matter of belief. For readers of dark fantasy who enjoy an historical setting.

Book 3

Eye of Horus

by Kylie Quillinan

Published 15 August 2020

Ankhesenamun has lost everything, including her position as queen. She is being sent away from Memphis to slave in the Nubian gold mines. But there is one thing that might save her yet: the Eye of Horus, a fabled artefact which is supposed to confer ultimate power on the one who wields it. If she can find it, it might help her to take back the throne and avoid war with the Hittites.

But the gods don’t intend the Eye to be easily found and they've barely even begun testing Ankhesenamun to see if she's strong enough to wield it.

The Amarna Age is set in 18th Dynasty Egypt in a world where the old gods have been worshipped for thousands of years and magic is a matter of belief. For readers of dark fantasy who enjoy an historical setting.

Book 4

Gates of Anubis

by Kylie Quillinan

Published 30 June 2021

The Eye of Horus is almost within Ankhesenamun's grasp. She now knows it definitely exists and she even knows where it was hidden just a few years ago. But when she reaches her destination, what awaits her there is nothing like she had expected.

She was warned the gods wouldn't allow the Eye to be easily found. She was told she might crave its power for herself. She didn't take either warning seriously enough.

Ankhesenamun will be tested until she breaks and only then will the gods decide whether she is permitted to wield the Eye. But even if they decide she is worthy, will the price be more than she can pay?

The Amarna Age is set in 18th Dynasty Egypt in a world where the old gods have been worshipped for thousands of years and magic is a matter of belief. For readers of dark fantasy who enjoy an historical setting.

Book 5

Lady of the Two Lands

by Kylie Quillinan

Published 20 December 2021

Ankhesenamun finally has the Eye of Horus although she has given up almost everything to secure it. She returns to Egypt to reclaim her throne and restore a more humane monarchy.

But she underestimates the power of the Eye. It won’t be content with a queen.

The Eye wants more.

It wants ultimate power.

It wants everything.

The only thing Ankhesenamun has left to give is herself.

The Amarna Age is set in 18th Dynasty Egypt in a world where the old gods have been worshipped for thousands of years and magic is a matter of belief. For readers of dark fantasy who enjoy an historical setting.

Book 6

Having released Egypt from Ay’s clutches, Ankhesenamun returns to Crete to try to retrieve Intef from the underworld. But a deal struck with a god, even a minor one like a gate guardian, cannot easily be undone.

Once again Ankhesenamun will be tested. Once again she will have to decide just how much she’s willing to give up to achieve her aim.

This is the final instalment in The Amarna Age series.

The Amarna Age is set in 18th Dynasty Egypt in a world where the old gods have been worshipped for thousands of years and magic is a matter of belief. For readers of dark fantasy who enjoy an historical setting.