Book 1

The Hair-Pulling Bear Dog

by Lee Roddy

Published 1 June 1985
Thirteen-year-old D.J. would rather have a collie than an ugly hound dog until he and Zero join a Christian preacher on a bear hunt in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Book 2

The City Bear's Adventures

by Lee Roddy

Published 1 June 1985
In the Sierra Nevada Mountains, a thirteen-year-old Christian boy and his new friend discover that keeping a bear cub as a pet creates problems as the cub matures.

Book 2

The Bear Cub Disaster

by Lee Roddy

Published 1 January 1996

Book 3

A thirteen-year-old Christian, his best friend, and a hound dog search for an arsonist responsible for setting several forest fires in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Book 4

The Ghost Dog of Stony Ridge

by Lee Roddy

Published 1 December 2008
While searching for an elusive hound dog in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, D.J., a thirteen-year-old Christian, investigates the dumping of hazardous waste at Sudden Lake.

Book 4

While searching for an elusive hound dog in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, D.J., a thirteen-year-old Christian, investigates the dumping of hazardous waste at Sudden Lake.

Book 4

Ghost of Stony Ridge

by Lee Roddy

Published 1 January 1996

Book 5

Mad Dog of Lobo Mountain

by Lee Roddy

Published 1 January 1996
When D.J.'s dog, Hero, is accused of being rabid and biting a young diabetic boy before both disappear in the wilderness, D.J. must find the boy and Hero before it is too late.

Book 6

The Legend of the White Raccoon

by Lee Roddy

Published 1 September 1986
When D.J. and friend Alfred race to prove a legendary white raccoon is real, they stumble upon a dangerous secret and Alfred is swept away in a wild river.

Book 7

D.J. gets a bad case of "gold fever" when he and Alfred accidentally discover an abandoned--and mysteriously dangerous--gold mine.

Book 8

Ghost of the Moaning Mansion

by Lee Roddy

Published 1 September 1987
Thirteen-year old D.J. knows that ghosts do not exist, but he is not so sure when his grandfather vanishes, and D.J. must search an old mansion to find him.

Book 8

Ghost of Moaning Mansion

by Lee Roddy

Published 1 May 1996

Book 9

The Hermit of Mad River

by Lee Roddy

Published 1 December 2008
D.J. is furious and seeks revenge when a pack of vicious dogs attacks his little dog, but an old hermit and a monstrous mud slide unexpectedly make D.J. learn a hard lesson about vengeance.

Book 10

Escape Down the Raging Rapids

by Lee Roddy

Published 1 January 1989
Trapped by a forest fire, D. J. and his injured friend take the only escape route available: a dangerous raft trip down a white-water river.