What's that noise? Is it the Thunderbird bringing doom and destruction from the skies? Or could it be the growling of the Minotaur as it paces around its labyrinth, waiting for its next victim? Find out which horrid beast ranks highest on the fear factor in this compendium of...Read more

Wicked Rulers

by Fiona MacDonald

Published 16 January 2012
Kings, queens, princes, chieftans, mighty emperors and scheming politicians - at different times and in different places, they've all been terrible rulers. Top Ten Worst Wicked Rulers reveals the grim truth behind the most rotten rulers of all time, dangerously tough, determined, and ruthless - definitely not nice to...Read more

Which frog uses poison to protect itself? What's more deadly, a mosquito or a crocodile? Find out in "Top Ten Worst: Killer Animals". Filled with nasty creatures you certainly wouldn't want to meet, this book features advice on how to avoid a shark attack and how to combat a...Read more

Nasty Pirates

by Fiona MacDonald

Published 1 August 2010
Whether it's a Viking pirate wielding axe and shield or Irish duo Anne Boony and Mary Read in cunning disguise, you know you're in trouble if they're in this book. "Top Ten Nasty Pirates" features a wide variety of cutthroats and vagabonds from all across the world. You can...Read more

Ruthless Warriors

by Fiona MacDonald

Published 16 January 2012
From head-hunting Celts to hooligan Huns and swordswishing Samurais, Top Ten Worst Ruthless Warriors dishes the dirt on wicked warriors and their bloodthirsty battles. Readers can find out who had sharp knives fitted to the wheels of their chariot, who had his head pickled and sent to the leader...Read more

Killer Animals

by Fiona MacDonald

Published 1 August 2010
Which frog uses poison to protect itself? What's more deadly, a mosquito or a crocodile? Find out in "Top Ten Worst: Killer Animals". Filled with nasty creatures you certainly wouldn't want to meet, this book features advice on how to avoid a shark attack and how to combat a...Read more

Whether it's a Viking pirate wielding axe and shield or Irish duo Anne Boony and Mary Read in cunning disguise, you know you're in trouble if they're in this book. "Top Ten Nasty Pirates" features a wide variety of cutthroats and vagabonds from all across the world. You can...Read more

Creepy Mysteries

by Fiona MacDonald

Published 1 February 2011
In this book you'll discover the most mysterious events and stories to still baffle humankind to this day. From ancient wonders like the Easter Island giants to modern mysteries such as the sudden disappearance of the USS Eldridge. Are these conspiracies, magic or just a trick of the mind?...Read more

Spooky Mysteries

by Fiona MacDonald

Published 16 August 2010