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Martial arts have grown in popularity in recent years as many people have begun to discover the many benefits that such a discipline can offer. There is a wide range of disciplines to choose from and this guide introduces some of the most popular forms. The history and philosophy of each art is clearly and concisely explained, followed by the photographic step-by-step guide that introduces basic warm-up exercises and actual techniques. Kung Fu is considered by many to be one of the more mystical and intriguing arts. This text looks at three major systems - wing chun, mok-gar and modern kick boxing. Tae Kwondo is the Korean art of empty hand fighting and concentrates on high kicking techniques. Tai Chi combines the yin and yang approach of serene movements for health and well being. Aikido explains the power of the circle and the ability to use an aggressor's force as a source of energy. Kendo is a modern discipline involving the wearing of full body and head armour while using a wooden sword. Shinto Ryu includes a number of modern disciplines that relate to self-defence on the streets and in every situation.