Book 1

Linking scientific exploration and creativity, this book offers you ideas for simple activities and links them to the concepts and goals for the Foundation Stage.

Book 2

Hundreds of ideas for role play, grouped so you and the children can incorporate linked themes into your setting and develop role play in more than one place. Resources, vocabulary lists, literacy and numeracy links are provided for each situation.

Book 3

This book focuses on the environment for outdoor play, giving you hundreds of ideas for making your outdoor area into an exciting garden for all children.

Book 8

An introduction to treasure baskets for babies, extended into a series
of treasure baskets for older children. This book gives you all the
information you need to set up your own baskets and ideas for extending
these within your setting.

Book 10

Focusing on the early years environment, this book gives suggestions and ideas for providing writing activities indoors and out - everywhere the children may need to make marks and messages.

Book 11

Linked to the stepping stones and the mathematical concepts, these simple activities will enable you to plan and provide activities for children at different levels of mathematical under-standing.

Book 12

Nothing unusual, nothing to fin or buy, just use what you have to explore maths through these simple activities and some new and some familiar songs

Book 14

Make these familiar activities more exciting by using the ideas in this book. The two sections unusual ideas for resources and equipment to give sand and water a new lease of life.

Book 15

A collection of familiar and traditional rhymes and songs - everyone needs this book to help children with rhythm, rhyme and simple phonics.

Book 20

This book starts you off on the serious job of investigating materials, processes, objects and events. Investigation is a key scientific skill and this book enables you to support young investigators.

Book 50

Little Book 50

by Sally Featherstone

Published 1 May 2006
This Little Book offers fifty different lists, each containing fifty items (2,500 ideas). These include resource ideas, things to do, thoughts and ideas to discuss, challenges and some that are just lists.

Book 61

Developing fine motor skills is a key feature in learning to read and write. Many children need additional help to develop these skills in the Early Years Foundation Stage, and many of these children are boys. The Little Book of Fine Motor Skills gives you lots of ideas for interesting activities focused on hand/eye coordination and refining the movements of arms and hands. Like all the other books in the Little Book series, this book presents appropriate and enjoyable activities in a simple format, which would enable the most inexperienced to plan and deliver the curriculum agains clear objectives from the curriculum guidance. This popular and best selling series currently has 58 titles.

Book 65

This Little Book gives you lots of new ideas around the use of fabrics, sewing and weaving. As well as producing some wonderful results, children will have enjoyable activities for developing fine motor skills, concentration and creativity, working on their own or with friends. Little Books are packed with advice and ideas for all those working with children in Early Years settings. They are carefully planned to match the EYFS framework and reflect the latest thinking on the education of young children.

Book 67

Little books are packed with advice and ideas for everyone working with children in the Early Years Foundation stage. Making books and cards is a familiar activity in the early years, but the results often lack real creativity and individuality. This book explores how young children can make their own books, cards and letters, using familiar materials in a creative and individual way, so the recipient or reader gets something truly unique!

Book 72

Following the success of the Little Book of Investigations, this book goes one step further in size, scale and scope. It covers explorations indoors, outside and in the local community, from the water in the tap, the dust on the floor, the mud in the garden, to exploring connections, constructions and other early technological experiments. The natural world, minibeasts, weather, growth, change over time and making changes to materials and the environment are included in this easy to use book. The inventive activities will all also provide opportunities for children to sustain their thinking with other children and adults while using the skills of observation and experiment.

The Little Book of Phonics

by Sally Featherstone

Published 21 November 2013
Children learn best by doing, making, singing and exploring. This Little Book is jam packed with activites of all kinds for exploring phonics, with a seperate collection for each letter of the alphabet.